Get Ready Cause This Is...

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Regret, everyone knows how it feels. At one point everyone did something they wish they had or hadn't done. Maybe you've always liked someone from your class but never had the courage to ask them out, or you stole something or lied and ruined a relationship. Maybe you forgot to tell a person you love them before they died.

Whatever it is you can't turn back time and undo what you did or didn't do. All you can do is continue living while making sure it won't ever happen again.

"Nous aimons les Coquins!" (We love the Rascals!)People start to yell the moment we set foot outside the airport. I see a small girl holding her father's hand, in the other hand, she holds a paper close to her body. I make my way towards them, making sure the dad is okay with me talking to her. I crouch down the moment he nods his head towards me.

"Bonjour petite fille, J'mappelle est Alex et les vôtres?" (Hello little girl, my name is Alex and yours?) I ask the girl who doesn't seem older than six.

"J'mappelle est Louise, puis-je avoir un autographe, s'il vous plaît?" (My name is Louise, can I have an autograph, please?) Louise asks politely while handing me the paper she was clinging on to just moments ago.

"Ze iz a fan zince ze heard your zongz." The father explains with his thick accent. I give him a smile before I return my attention toward the paper in my hand. Once I've signed it I hand it back to the little girl.

"Alex come on, we have to go," Hayden yells. I give the girl a quick hug before I make my way towards them.

"I'm impressed," Jax says when I take my seat inside the spacious car. "I didn't know you spoke French!"

"It was something I had to take in school," I say shrugging my shoulders. My French isn't that good, I only understood the girl because she said autograph and please.

"So what other languages do you speak?" Anna asks. I hold back the groan that was about to come out of my throat. I just want some peace and quiet for a few minutes, Jax hadn't stopped talking on the plane. He had to tell us over and over again how excited this was and that we should try to explore the city in our free time. Anna finally got him quiet after 1,5 hour of talking non-stop, she must have noticed how I was seconds away from throwing him off the plain.

"German and Dutch." I try to keep my eyes on trees that were passing by, maybe she'll get the hint, but of course, she doesn't.

"Can you say something in German? Does it really sound as harsh as people say?" Jax bounces in his seat from excitement.

"No, and now please be quiet for a few minutes," I say returning my focus back towards the window. I close my eyes and lean my head against the cold window. "Jax I warn you," I say without looking at him.

"But I didn't do anything!" He says lying through his teeth. I hear him fall back against his chair, probably pouting like a little child with his hands crossed over his chest.

The rest of the ride Jax stay quiet while we all get some rest. Rest, we didn't get the following days. There was no free time or breaks in between rehearsals and interviews, the only break we got was lunch and whenever we're in a car or plane.

Dates were added in almost every country, leaving less time for rest and fun. The only time I could really relax was whenever Hayley managed to sneak into my room. We would cuddle all night and sneak her back out early in the morning. We couldn't risk anyone finding out about the girls and their connection to us.

The week went by in a blink of an eye, tonight was our last concert in Italy and tomorrow we would take a plane towards Germany. Just two more concerts and we would finally get a day to ourselves.

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