Misread Contracts

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Barriers are everywhere. Some visible others invisible. A barrier can be many things, but in the end, most barriers are made up.

A love between two people who's parents do not agree is one of those barriers. The tape police use to set a crime scene is a visible barrier. Someone's personal space is also an invisible barrier. Borders some are visible some aren't, but they are barriers none the less.

So how do you break through something so strong yet also invisible? A wall is visible and can be torn down with hammers and machines, or when it's really big you can use cranes or even dynamite. Invisible walls are harder to break through, you can't use force or machines. I can guarantee you, it won't work.

I let my jacket hit the floor as my body hits the soft mattress. Today was a busy day for the band and me. From a photoshoot for our tour posters, an interview plus another photoshoot for a magazine, to rehearsal for our European tour.

"Why a European tour first?" Anna asked our manager Geo after he explained the plans for the coming months.

"You've grown quite big in Europe after the lost daughter speculations. If we start off in Europe we can get the Americans a little hyped up and wanting for some of your attention. When everyone is eager for tickets we announce the North American tour." Geo explained as if it was the most logical thing in the universe.

The room fell quiet, we all looked at each other with the same expression, well except mine had another emotion mixed in. We stared at him in disbelieve, did we really hear him correct? Did he just say our fans are numbers whose feelings don't matter?

I stood up slamming my fist on the table, which might I add, still hurts. "So you're telling us our fans don't matter?" I almost spat in his face. He was lucky a table was standing between us or else I would have pushed him against the wall.

"Look, it's what's best for you. Get the hype up and use that to your advantage. It's just business nothing more, nothing less." He shrugged his shoulders before leaning back in his chair. I swear to god I was about to throw him out of his own freaking window if he didn't stop his Alpha behaviour.

"What if I refuse?" I said crossing my arms. He immediately sat up in his chair, intrigued by my challenge.

"Well, dear 'Isa', you can't. You have a contract with us for at least 1 album and 1 tour. If you had read the very fine print in your contracts you all would have known about it."

I groan in my pillow. What are we going to do about this? We've it almost feels like we signed away our souls. I shouldn't have Jax talk me into signing before reading everything. No, I can't think like this, it was my own fault, not his or anyone else's. I turn to my side when I hear my phone buzz. I get up grabbing my jacket from the floor.

I look at my screen and contemplate whether I should pick up or not.

"Hi, Hayls." I sigh deeply. Feeling sad or overwhelmed always makes me want to be alone, but something in me told me I should pick up whenever my girlfriend calls me. Oh, did I forget to mention that, oops.

"Hey what's happened? You sound either sad or tired." She immediately notices. I let myself fall back on the bed and stretch my free arm. I look up towards the ceiling but regret it the moment I do.

"Wait, wait," I say in the phone as I curl up in a ball, covering my face with my hands. I take moment to recover as the wave of dizziness slowly subsides.

"Did you look at the ceiling again?" I hear Hayley laugh through the phone. I lay on my belly and put her on speaker.

"Yes, I keep forgetting how dizzy I get whenever I do that," I say groaning at my own stupidity. "And to answer your question, yes something did happen and I'm both tired and a little sad."

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