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                                     The Split

                                     The Split

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                     Rosé/Chaeyoung's POV

               September 20,2019/3:30pm

"Chaeyoung-ah! Quit eating! We're going back on stage again in five!"

Jisoo's voice didn't stop me from finishing my lunch. I merely looked at her, who was combing her hair on the leather couch, before going back to my food.

"I still have five minutes, unnie!" I whined.

She put down the brush she was holding, and walked toward me. As I grabbed another chicken from the container and raised it toward my mouth, Jisoo vastly stole the wing from my grasp.

"Seriously, Chae. We're going on in- ooh, is this chicken?!" Her eyes were suddenly glued to the wing in hunger. But, before she could have a bite, I took it back.


I give her a cheeky smile before raising it once again toward my mouth.

"Girls!" I drop my chicken as Jennie's face appears from the door, peeking slightly. "We're on! Let's go!" And with that, she disappeared from my gaze.

I groan as Jisoo already heads out. Getting up, I brush fallen crumbs from my black two-piece outfit. My gaze goes towards the large t.v plastered on the wall. The news being muted showed crowds of people surrounding the gate that is Area 51.

I stare for a few more seconds before realizing, "today's the day of the raid?" I chuckle silently to myself, thinking of how silly they were to think there were actually aliens living among us. I also wonder why the news was broadcasting something that was not even relevant towards right here in Incheon, Korea.

I shake my train of thought and head towards the door. Before heading out, I take one long last look at my chicken.

"I'll be back."

                                   Lisa's POV


I'm already backstage with Jennie when I see Jisoo, who was fixing her already perfect dark hair.

"Jisoo-unnie, where's Chaeng?!" I question her. She frowns, muttering some words under her breath. I only catch "chicken," to which I chuckle at, wondering what in the world they were doing.

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