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Chaos At The Food Court

                      Chaos At The Food Court

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Jennie's POV

September 20, 2019/4:45pm

Right in front of me was the man I loved a few months ago, all wide-eyed, and as gorgeous as ever.

We started talking to each other in October, actually starting to date in early November. Despite the news, we broke up mid-February. Valentines Day.

(I know this isn't accurate, but idgaf)

Everything was going great in our relationship. Well, right until January 1. The reveal. Everything started becoming harder and harder for our relationship after that, and when we met up for Valentines Day, long story short, we got into an argument, and we decided it would be best if we split.

Never did I expect him to be in front of me during the apocalypse, especially in Victoria Secrets, gripping on the red bra that I was gripping as well.

We both let go of the bra at the same time in shock.

"N-nini?!" he stuttered. I widened my eyes at the sound of my-our nickname. When he realized what he said, he quickly corrected himself. "Jennie-ssi."

My eyes don't leave his. I haven't seen him since February, having avoid all form of contact or ways I could've seen him. He looks different, somehow. It takes a loud cough to snap me back into reality.

"Jennie, look who I found!" Lisa is pointing to Chanyeol-sunbaenim, who- I believe the loud cough came from. He was looking at Jongin with a raised eyebrow.

Jongin snapped his attention back to his group member, rubbing the back of his neck. By his expression, I could tell that he was nervous.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask them out loud, more confidently then I expected.

"Um," Jongin gulped.

As if just now seeing him, Lisa turned her full attention on Kai.

"You!" she exclaimed. Jongin looked at her with questioning and surprised eyes.

Let's just say.... I wasn't the best at dealing with the split up. Lots of throwing, crying, screaming, ripping, and eating were involved. I then later came to realize that he didn't deserve my tears with the help of the girls.

Once they heard about the real break-up, they were there for me as I hoped they would be. And, as I remembered, when the girls met Kai as my boyfriend, Lisa warned him that if he ever hurt me, she would cut his- yeah.

I've been trying to keep them away from each other since our break-up, but now there was nothing I could do to keep Lisa from actually completing the task.

"Uh, me?" Jongin pointed to himself in confusion, with slight humor. Lisa ignored it and looked at him in an absolute murderous way. Chanyeol even backed up.

"You cold-hearted bastard! How dare you-"

"Lisa. Enough," I pleaded, not wanting to make a scene.

She glared at Kai one last time before resting her eyes on mine. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"Any-who...." I start, relief washing over me as that mini scene was now over. "Wha-"

Lisa cut me off. "Cut to the chase, what are you two doing here?"

I wasn't so surprised that she talked to our seniors like that, heck, I would too in this case if not for the fact that one of them was my ex-boyfriend.

The two EXO members gave each other a brief look.

"Er-" Chanyeol stuttered. "This is gonna take some time-"

I cut him off. "We have time."

"Well then," Kai started, and my gaze quickly tracked to his. "Let's all get something to eat while we're at it."

Lisa's POV


We were all eating and drinking, sitting at a booth in the food court while the two boys were explaining everything. Right now, Chanyeol-ssi was just about done on telling us on how they ended up here, Kai-ssi throwing in several remarks here and there.

I was surprised on how workers were still working when we ordered, remembering how no employees were present in the upstairs stores; I was delighted on how we got our food and drinks for free, not complaining when the cashier told us that we didn't have to pay, mostly because Jennie and I currently have no form of money on us. I dont know about the boys.

From Jennie's body language, I could easily tell that she was nervous. Sitting right next to me, crossed legged, she was looking everywhere but Kai, even when he was the one talking. Not that she had to look at him. But I don't blame her, except- I probably wouldn't be this nervous.

Jennie was usually as cool as ice. So whenever something was wrong with her, I could read her openly like a book.

"So," I began, reaching for a fry. "You were all split up?" I repeat his past words, munching on my fry.

"Don't talk while eating," Jennie scolds me. I give her a mischievous smirk.

To mess with her, I take a hand full of fries, stuffing my face with them, munching really loud, laying lazily on her shoulder. "Nom nom nom."

"Ya!" She exclaims, lightly pushing me off her shoulder. I grin in response, taking a sip of my drink.

"Now it's your turns to explain why you're here," Kai says. Even though his words mean for us to explain, his eyes were all on Jennie-unnie. Ah, young love. Yuck.

In fact, his eyes were all on her from the moment we got to the food court. But- Jennie didn't return the  gesture, doing the opposite instead.

I look at Jennie, wondering if she was going to be the one to re-start the conversation. When she didn't speak, I sighed, leaving everyone's attention on me.

"Well, it all started at our concer-"

I got interrupted by a scream.



Note- Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the update!

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Note- Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the update!

Question- Do you prefer me calling him Kai or Jongin? Or both? It could get a bit confusing switching off, but, some people view him as different names. But I'm open to suggestions.

P.S. Sorry if this part seemed a little rushed, I was just eager to get to the next part!

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