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Car Rides

                                     Car Rides

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Rosé's/Chaeyoung's POV

September 20, 2019/4:40pm

Dying by old age was how I always wanted to go. Dying by alien invasion was the more weirder selection. Never in my entire life have I thought that the way I'd go was by Dahyun's terrible driving.

"Yah!" Jisoo squirmed next to me in the back seat, holding onto her dear life. "You almost hit that stop sign, don't you know how to drive?!"

"No." Dahyun admitted bluntly, her arms trying to match the steering wheels viscous movements.

"Wait what?!" Jisoo and I exclaimed in terror.

I sat right behind Dahyun, Jisoo to my right. Hearing this made me glad neither of us chose passengers seat.

"Well, I've been watching Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo-unnie drive; it didn't look that complicated," Dahyun explainer, clearly regretting her decisions on taking the wheel by the look of her eyes.

"Dahyun!" Jisoo and I exclaimed once again, looking at the girl in the drivers seat who doesn't know a thing of what she's doing.

Dahyun raised an eyebrow. "It's not like any of you know how to drive anyway."

She was right. Neither Jisoo nor I knew how to drive.

And that was all YG's fault. Not allowing us to get our drivers license or even learn how to drive. I know I'm not suppose to speak poor of the dead, but...


Out of nowhere, I feel the car come to an abrupt stop.

"What happened?" I ask aloud, looking around my surroundings to see the cause of the stop.

"We stopped." Jisoo told me, stating the obvious, as if I didn't know.

"That's not what I-nevermind." I started, slumping into my seat more.

Dahyun cleared her throat. "I stopped the car at the gas station. I may not know how to drive, but I've been taught how to start and stop, I'm not that clue-less."

Jisoo and I both exhale in relief. We weren't going to die after all.

"Well," Jisoo said. "What now?"

"Now," Dahyun starts, unbuckling her seat belt. "We get gas, a new tire, just in case, and a manual."

I furrow my brows at her. "Do you even know how to pump gas?"

"No." Dahyun admitted, raising a challenging brow. "Do you?"

I stayed silent.


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