He's what??

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Kolivan basically ran to the med bay in a hurry as he heard the news. He never even thought about it and just guessed baised on his adult behaivor. Once Kolivan was inside the med bay he saw Keith laying on the bed with several injuries. Ulaz turned around and looked at the Leader with worry. „How is he?" Kolivan asked but was met with silence as Ulaz just handed him his Pad. He seemed to have a mild concussion, bruises all over his body and a few scratches but otherwise he seemed to be ok. Before anyone could have said another word, a noise filled the room. Both Galra froze on their spot as they recognized the sound as a pained whimper from a kit. Kolivan always had this feeling in his gut when Keith was around but now all of his theories are confirmed. They turned to Keith and saw him looking at them confused. „Keith! How are you feeling?" asked Ulaz and stormed to his side. Kolivan stared worried to his young soldier. „I'm fine" he mumbled and swung his legs over the bed in order to stand up. The next moment he put his weight on his legs he fell over and was about to fall face first on the floor if it wasn't for Kolivan who ran straight across the room to him and catched his small figure. „Dont you dare stand up again" he scolded and picked him up. Keith just whined in responds. This triggered something in Kolivan and he turned to Ulaz, who watched the two with big eyes. „I'll take him to our nest" he said and went out of the med bay in order to go to their packroom. Keith was confused. He remembers fighting against the bad Galran and then everything turned black, the next time he wakes up he is with the blades in a bed. Now he just lays with his head on Kolivans shoulder and tries to fight against the black dots in his sight. For a second he wondered where Kolivan was going to but he dismissed the thought as he lost the fight against his heavy eyelids and the dots. He kinda felt safe enough in his Leaders arms so he allowed himself to rest against his shoulder. Soon enough Keith was snoring softly and nuzzled his head into Kolivans neck. Kolivan, to his own surprise, started to purr as he sensed that the kit felt safe around him and that thought made him happy. He went faster and basically stormed into their packroom with Keith in his arms. Antok and Thace where napping in the nest and were startled awake as their Leader slammed the door open. After a few seconds the shocked look on Antok and Thace vanished and got replaced by confusion as they stared at Kolivan holding an lightly snoring Keith who cuddled into the Leaders neck. „I don't want to be rude but... why is Keith with you?" Thace started but was met with a noise which horrified the two of them. After Keith did let out a displeased whine at the voices who woke him up he liftet his head out of Kolivans neck and looked dizzy through the room. He was more confused than ever so he whined out his displeasure again. „Keith?" The soft sound of his name spoken by Antok made him look up. „Antok..? Why am i here and-„ he tried to question but was interruped by Antok „Keith, please concentrate for a second, can you do that?" Antok asked and as he got a shaky nod from the kit he continued „How old are you?". Keith was qiet for a few seconds and thought. Why did they want to knew his age? „By Human age I am like 18 now, why?" he stated qietly and looked in the round. All three adult Galra were looking at him with big eyes. He was nervous now, no one said something they just stared in shock at him. „Oh my.." said Kolivan „I let a kit do the knowledge or death trial... I let a kit do dangerous missions.. since when let we do kits our fights?" he wispered and Keith was shocked. The Leader of the blades who always had a straight face looked absolutely terrified as the others did. „What's wrong with my age? I am basically an adult on Earth? And what's a kit?" he asked but no one answered. Antok and Thace stared at Keith and cooed at his adorable confused face. He surely didn't knew anything about Galran culture. „Keith.. even if your only half Galra, our culture has a bit a different with age. By our standarts you would be near a toddler." Thace said for the first time since Kolivan and Keith arrived. Keith stared at them. So all Galra saw him as a toddler? He grimaced at that thought. A headache started to form and Keith whimpered at the pain. Shortly after he froze. Did that sound just come from him? „Oh sweet boy, how about that? We go to sleep for now and tomorrow we will explain everything for you, hmm?" said Ulaz who just entered the packroom. As if something in Keith had clicked, he started yawning. „Aww someone's tired. Let's get into our nest and rest" Thace stated. All four Galra including Keith,who still rested in Kolivans arms got in to the nest. Kolivan put Keith into the middle and draped a blanket over him as all the other snuggled beside him. Keith was again confused but welcomed the heat and happy feeling growing inside of him. Keith pushed the nervous feeling he felt aside and ignored the fact that this was the first time he could actually sleep next to someone instead of alone. He allowed them to cuddle him, still too exhausted from the long day and injuries and was faster asleep than he ever was.


All four Galra cooed at the sight of their new found kit. They all had a smile as they watched the adorable scene in front of them, the kit cuddling Antoks tail. Keith looked so at peace, something they never really saw on the young soldiers face but they were about to change that. „I would like to have a meeting about this." Kolivan said and looked at the rest of his pack. All three were nodding and they headed to the kitchen to discuss everything that's going to happen now since they found out about Keith being a kit. „The truth? I would love to have Keith in our Pack" Ulaz said and turned to Kolivan. „Yeah we too" Antok and Thace stated and their eyes too found their way to the Leader. Kolivan thought about it. „I think we aren't bold enough to leave such a young kit like Keith alone by himself. He is clearly touch starved and needs all the love he can get" he stated and smiled lightly to himself. The thought about having a kit made him incredible happy, he felt kinda giddy. „I am so nervous.. what if he doesn't want to be with us?" Thace asked but was met with silence. They didn't knew much about the kit but what they knew, was that the kit was damn stubborn. „For now, we let him sleep. I didn't think he slept very good these last years without a pack or a nest. After he wakes up, we will slowly introduce him into our culture. I am sure he will like it"
So they laid back to the kit and snuggled together. All happy smiles, even their youngest.

So english is not my mother language. This is my first story in a foreign language so please have mercy on my soul. If there are any mistakes I am truly sorry but you are welcome to point them out. My last time in school is 3 years back and my grammar surely isn't the best. I hope my story was enjoyable for you, excluding all the mistakes I made. I would be thankfull for a comment, they always cheer me up but only if you like to.
See ya - (I don't know when I upload the next Chapter.. we will see. Maybe you have to wait a bit because I work really long so i may be too exhausted most of the time to write. I can't promise anything <3

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