Full of Cotton

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Keith woke up with his head feeling like someone filled it with cotton. His mind was fuzzy and opening his eyes felt just too exhausting right now so he let his eyes closed and cuddled himself further into the warm fluffiness he was feeling against his cheek.

He felt a hand caress his back in a soothing circling motion and sighed at the feeling. He heard a deep distant chuckle but decided to ignore it for now, feeling way too relaxed.

He heard voices far away between the fuzziness but couldn't really make out what they were saying.

„...change of clothes.. sleeping.. check up.."

He heard a second voice, a deeper one.

„.... healing.. cryopot... pack.."

They seemed to be discussing something but Keiths brain started to become heavy and felt himself slip back into a beautiful sleep.


Antok was deep in thoughts after having a talk with Kolivan on his way to the medbay. His eyes wandered to Keith who seemed content in his arms sleeping while purring quietly.

Kolivan had to go check on some blades who came back from a mission. As soon as they reached the medbay he found Ulaz. He immediately ran to the medbay as soon as they landed, while the others changed Keiths clothes, so he could prepare everything for Keiths check up.

Antok gently placed Keith onto the bed and sat beside him. Ulaz started to check Keiths body for any injuries and sighed as he only found a few bruises but nothing serious.

"A few bruises, nothing broken, no scratches or something similar. He seemes physically fine" Ulaz said and petted Keiths fluffy hair. Antok grinned and did the same.
They both flinched as the door opens and Kolivan enters with a someone in his arms.

"Are you done checking him up?" He asks while glancing at the sleeping kit. "Yeah, he is alright. Nothing serious beside bruises" Ulaz answers and watches Antok scooping Keith up back into his arms. Keith stretches for a bit but doesn't wake up. Antok starts to bounce him a bit to be sure he stays asleep.

"Regris? Is that you?" Ulaz says as he beheld the Galra beside Kolivan. Instead of answering the second kit only whimpers. Ulaz reacts immediately and starts to inspect him.
"He sneaked into a ship and tried to fight too. He injured his leg while they were attacked" Kolivan said and hoisted Regris onto the other bed next to the one Keith said just a few minutes ago.

Ulaz started to take care of the injured leg and put some cream and bandages around it. "Nothing serious. You are allowed walk and run but don't over exert your leg, understood?" Ulaz said and glared at the kit.

"I'm sorry" Regris said and started to cry. Tears were running down his cheeks and sobs shook his body. "They are dead and it's my fault" he cried and tried to stop the tears by rubbing his eyes which lead to the exact opposite.

Kolivan hugged the distressed kit and shushed him softly, whispering encouraging words to try and calm him.

The crying was loud enough to wake up the other kit in the room. Keith started to stir in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes as he heard a particular loud sob. He lifted his head where it rested on Antoks shoulder and tried to understand what happened.

The confusion must have been written on his face because Regris stared at him as they made eye contact. His sobs were getting quieter and his previous self destructive thoughts were distracted.

The three adults in the room watched with amusement as the kit noticed each other, never having seen the other one before.

"A kit?" Regris asked and continued to stare at Keith with a somewhat fond expression. Keith stared back but was getting frustrated because everything was just so blurry and fuzzy and he couldn't understand why.

He whined loudly and tucked his head back into Antoks neck. "Let's get you both back to our nest so you can calm down" Kolivan said before anyone else had the chance to.
Everyone agreed easily and they went back together.

Regris couldn't stop staring at the kit napping in Antoks arms. He never saw any other kits here beside him and this one seemed really young but still very familiar with the blades. Who could be his mother, he thought.

They entered their room to Thace layingin the nest and reading something on his datapad. He heard them entering the room and looked up. "Regris?" He asked equally confused like Ulaz and Antok earlier. "We will be napping together now. The kits need to calm down" Kolivan said and gestured to Regris to lay down. He awkwardly stood next to Antok and shuffled over Thace to sit down. "I'm always down for a cuddle" Ulaz smiled and sat doen beside Regris and pulled him into his arms. Kolivan was next to them and between him and Antok was Keith.

They all snuggled together and were happily purring with the amount of comfort. Tomorrow, they will have a talk tomorrow but now they needed some good quality pack time.


Pack fluff

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