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As soon as they had the coordinates where to find him they started their ,Keiths rescue' mission. "Get everything you need together I am sure we will have to fight our way to Keith through" Allura announced and the paladins all nodded. Meanwhile did the blades the same thing. "Whatever they did to him we pay them back ten times" Thace said and Ulaz agreed with an angry expression. "We will in invade the ship in two teams. Antok you come with me and Ulaz and Thace go together. You take the upper part of the ship and we the lower" Kolivan said and signaled them to follow him to their ship.
"Keith we are coming"

They reached the coordinates this general gave them and really saw a ship there. The blades waited far away for the paladins to announce them first. As soon as their ships linked the blades creeped up on them from behind. They docked onto the enemies ship and made their way into it without leaving any visible traces. "Go, go, go!" Kolivan wispered and they separated. Kolivan and Antok ran through the dark hallway and took a few turns while keeping an eye on everything that might run into them.

They ran through the ship for about 10 minutes and were near getting hopeless. Keith must be somewhere here but the general kept him hidden good. "Leader.. maybe he is- "Antok tried but was interrupted by a quiet whimper they almost missed. The Leader and Antok immediately shared a glance and proceeded to run towards the noise. They both were nervous to what they might see because it normally takes a lot for Keith to let his instincts take over. They passed a few doors and followed the further coming whimpers. As soon as they came to the last door they reached they smashed it and the door fell open. As soon as they got a good look of the room they froze in the door frame. „What in the..." whispered Antok and rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

The whole room was a nursery made for a kit and in the crib sat theirs. Keith sat there clothed in an purple onesie and a pruple pacifier in his mouth which was locked behind his head. His hands were covered in white mittens so they were useless to do anything that he maybe had in mind to escape. „This goddamn fucker.." Kolivan murmured and entered the room. Keith who had his head down the entire time didn't dare to look up more so he started trembling. „Kit?" Kolivan said which as much gentleness as he could muster. Keith froze and as if he couldn't believe whose voice he just heard he slowly looked up. His eyes met Kolivans and he immediately reached his arms up to him and whimpered. Kolivan followed his kits wish and scooped him up onto his hip. Kolivan ran his hand through Keiths hair and the kit purred at the familiar contact. Antok did the same thing and kissed the kits forehead with a sad but soft gaze. „Let's get you out of here.." Antok whispered lovingly. They turned around to leave as fast as possible but an loud alarm started to chime. Keith flinched in Kolivans arm and hid his head in his leaders shoulder. Kolivan increased his grip on Keith and they ran back through the halls. They made anfew turns they remembered but where surprised as a bunch of soldiers stood in front of them. „Your little plan got destroyed. We have the paladins captive. Either you come with us or ,the rescuers of the universe' will die" one of the soldiers said and they pointed their weapons at them. Kolivan stared at them and thought as fast as he could. They said nothing about Thace and Ulaz so they haven't noticed them yet. Kolivan caressed Keiths back and glanced at Antok with a nod. Antok understood and immediately attacked the soldiers. Kolivan helped him but tried his best to keep Keith away from any attacks. The kit whimpered while they fought and not only distracted the blades but the soldiers too.

After a few minutes the fight was over and the soldiers defeated. „Easy Keith.. we go and get the others and then go get you home safely" Kolivan said and bounced Keith a bit. He wasn't used to see Keith acting like his age but he suspected that the general had something to do with it. Kolivan even saw the pacifier in his mouth bob a few times.
He hoped Keith won't have too much damage from this experience.

They continued their way to get the other and ran through the hallway as fast as they could. „You motherfucker!!" Kolivan heard someone scream and he was sure he recognized it as lances voice. „Kit you have to be really quiet now, you understand?" Kolivan asked and got a nod in return. He grinned and rubbed his kits head as an reward which Keith leaned into. „Antok, let's go inside" Kolivan whispered. They entered the room carefully and hid themselves. Kolivan caressed Keiths back again while he let his stare wander through the room. There were a few weapons on the wall and a ship beside it. Maybe he could get a hold of those weapons and afterwards get onto the ship and escape while destroying the main ship. Kolivans thoughts raced in his head as he tried to get a plan on how to get away from here. His gaze wandered to Keith and Kolivan genuinely smiled. Keith didn't sleep but he was calm and had his eyes closed in comfort. It was rare to see Keith this relaxed and even if the situation was bad he was happy what Keith still found comfort in them. Kolivan was distracted from the kit in his arms so he didn't feel how he was approached from behind.

„Look what we got here.. .how adorable"

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