You will pay

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Kolivan and Antok were chained to a wall like the paladins beside them. The general had captured them and they lost Keith again. „You motherfucker! Let us goo!" Lance screamed into the dark room but nothing happened. Allura sighed and looked to her Teammates. „Somebody got a plan?" she asked while cracking a humorless smile. Nobody answered and she sighed again, louder this time.
„We won't give up. NOT THIS EASILY!" she screamed and the others flinched, successfully ending their sulking. „I am sure Keith will manage to escape now that he knows that we are here!" Lance said optimistic as ever but before someone other could say something, Kolivan answered. „They.. did something to Keith.. He's not himself. He totally acts like a kit his age" Kolivan said and gritted his teeth.

Shiro took a deep breath and suddenly a loud rubbing sound was heard in the room. „What's that sound?" Antok asked. Everyone looked were the sound came from and ended up staring at Lance. „Well. I only shoot from afar but if that's not enough and I have to fight combat then to be safe I always carry a knife up my sleeve" Lance explained while he continued to rub the knife at the chains. After a few minutes they all heard a loud crack and the chain broke. Lance continued break every piece of chain until everyone was freed. After he was done he held his hand with a pained expression. „That shit hurted" he grumbled and rubbed his throbbing hand.

They all quietly left the room and ran through the halls. They vaguely remembered their way and followed their feelings. They soon spotted a big door and tried to hear inside. „The paladins will be my slaves soon. We will use them to win the last few wars and the universe will be Zarkons" they heard the general giggle. „And you, Keith, will stay by my side, now that you've finally learned your place"
As soon as they heard him they stormed into the room. „How the hell did you escape?! Where were the soldiers I placed in front of the door? Am i a joke to you!" he yelled.

The general stood up from his chair he sat in and scooped up Keith who was placed onto his lap. „Give the kit back or you will regret not doing it" Kolivan said and his eyes didn't leave Keiths small form in the arms if this disgusting individual. The general grinned evil and bounced Keith while looking at them. „He is mine now. He will have a better life by my side. Who would sent a kit into war? He learned his place now and finally is a kit who needs all the attention and help like the kits his age" he grinned.

Soon the whole room broke into a big mess. Soldiers stormed into the room and the paladins and the blades fought for dear life.
The general had great fun watching everything from his safe place on his chair while playing with Keiths soft hair.
A knife at his throat let his smile vanish. He looked down to see Keith pressing a small knife at his throat while glaring weakly up at him. As soon as the other noticed this, the fight endet as fast as it had begun.

The general looked surprised and sighed with a new found smirk in his face. He hoped the sudden appearance wouldn't disturb the process but they prove him wrong.
„What? You already left your headspace we worked so hard on? Too bad" Keith felt the good old rage fill his emotions and he stared at him angrily. „You wanna die?" Keith said and the knife began to draw blood. Keith pressed his mitten covered hands together to keep the knife at its place. „Your not in any position neither capable to do that, kit" before the general could take another breath, something snapped in Keith and the knife was colored in a beautiful red along with his purple mittens now equally covered and turning the colour dark.

Keiths whole body trembled as he let the knife fall to the ground. Kolivan immediately ran towards Keith and hugged him as if his life depended on it. The other fought the rest of the solders and approached them as soon as they finished. „Let's go get you home" Antok whispered and caressed his back gently.

They went to the ship Kolivan found earlier, took the weapons that hung on the wall and put a bomb at the main ship. „I will fly us back" Shiro mumbled and took the seat at the control. Allura stayed by his side. The others sat in the back of the ship while lovingly staring at Keith who sleepily snuggled into Antoks neck.

„Should we change his clothes now?" Lance asked while staring at Keiths mittens and the other babyish clothing. Sure he looked really cute in them, beside being covered in blood, but he was sure if Keith would realize he was wearing this in front of them he would go nuts.

„Let him have some more sleep.. he could probably benefit from a long nice nap right now"


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