Don't make it awkward

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„So.. you don't want them to know?" Antok asked confused. The rest of them didn't seem to understand his request either. Why would their kit want them to stop coddling him? That's what Galra do with kits as young as Keith. „It's you know.. ähhh.. just yeah.. you know.." he mumbled shyly and looked up from the suddenly interesting ground „..embarrassing" he endet his sentence in a whisper. Thace looked at him with concern and clears his throat. „Let's make a deal. We continue to coddle you behind closed doors and will still teach you more about Galran culture but when the others are around we will minimize that, okey?" Kolivan requested and shared glances with the other blades. Keith looked nervous at his feet. That doesn't sound too bad, right? He already kinda missed the feeling of a hand running through his hair or his body cuddled against fur. „Yeah okey but slowly" the kit said and the blades grinned to each other. They felt happy that Keith was giving them a chance. Shiro once told them about their kits life before he came to the garrison. To say they were shocked was a understatement. No one should have gone through with what Keith had gone through. Kits should be with a lot of physical touch and the love of his parents. If a Kit doesn't get enough of it, it could die. It could even happen to an adult Galra because they also need that touch, not quite as much but still.


All Paladins, the princess and Coran were eating breakfast while laughing and talking. They had fun but they missed someone. Since Keith was with the blades, they never really saw the former red paladin. So today they were especially happy because they would see him again. As the door opened four and a half Galra came into the kitchen and sat by the table. The princess sat at the head, Coran to her left, Shiro to her right, Hunk sat next to Coran and next to him Pidge. On the right side next to Shiro sat lance and next to him Keith followed by Antok, Ulaz and Thace. At last but not least Kolivan at the other head of the table facing the princess. Keith instantly begann talking to them and telling them storys about his missions. He was happy to speak with them and see their smiles but he also just wanted back with the blades cuddling in their nest. He was too weak for it.


The paladins aren't dumb. They noticed how the blades talked softly and calmly with Keith and even laughed themself. They all looked at him with pure adoration. The paladins thought they looked suspicious, had something happened? They brushed it off and continued eating until a loud whine startled everyone. Antok had Keith in his arms who had a pained expression and held his arm to his chest. „Is everything okey, Keith?" Shiro asked and looked hella confused. So the sound came from Keith as well? „Yeah.. just hit my arm at the table and the edge aimed at my bruise.." he mumbled and caressed his new bruise. „Damn" he whispered but was silenced as two voices roared through the room. „Language!", „Language kit!", was screamed into the room. Shiro and Kolivan shared a glance. „Kit?" Lance whispered but was silenced as Coran spoke next. „What bruises are you talking about, Keith?" he asked and received the attention from all. Keiths face was red and he scratched his neck nervously. „Well just a mission that went a bit rough.." he explained and looked at his plate. His hunger was gone now that he knew what was about to come. „Keith! Why didn't you tell your team that you are injured??" Shiro yelled suddenly which made Keith flinch. Shiro didn't notice. „I thought you knew that you should tell us everything and that it's not ok to keep it all to yourself. And you consider yourself an adult? That's childish" Shiro ended his small speech and they could feel his rage. Everyone was on edge because of the war but that's no excuse to snap at everyone and everything. Keith stared in shock at his older brother. It was rare for Shiro to scold him but he never yelled at him like that. He instinctly moved closer to Antok, who ran his hand through Keiths hair. Shiro seemed to be ready for a next round as Kolivan himself stood up and growled possessively. „He told his team in fact. We are his current team now, his time as a paladin is over and he is now with the blades. I hope you understand that" He said bitter and looked at Keith. „Keith, you haven't done anything wrong, okey?" he turned back to Shiro. „Don't you dare to let your anger out at him! He is not your responsibility anymore, he is mine now" again he growled lowly and looked at his pack. He pretended not to see the startled looks of the other paladins as he finished to defend his kit. Shiro seemed to realize his mistake and looked horrified with himself. „Oh god.. Keith I am so sorry. I didn't know why I yelled at you please forgive me.." he pleaded and looked over at his younger brother and former red paladin. „It's ok" Keith mumbled and concentrated himself on Antoks calming touch. „Wait.. did you say kit? Is Keith really a kit?" they heard a excited voice question. Keith looked up in shock. Did Kolivan really use that term in front of the paladins? His face turned red and he hid himself in Antoks chest who started to purr at the kit in his arms searching for safety. That seemed to be answer enough as the same voice let out a happy squeal. „Guys? What is a kit?" asked another voice. Keith sighed as he heard all of this. He wanted to start this slowly but now? This is like he asked for a warm bath but instead was thrown under a cold shower..
yeah that explained it the best.

I hope you enjoyed it. I have a headache but really wanted to write. To be honest, I thought it would take longer to update this story but it makes really fun so I hope you have some too.
I think most of my Chapters will be updated late in the night or early in the morning, that's your point of view. (Just so you know)
Have a nice week ~

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