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He looked up surprised as he heard the news. The Galran left the room as fast as they could to contact the paladins. He was left alone in the room and looked around. He waited for a bit to look if someone would come back but no one came. That was his chance. He went over and opened the door carefully to look outside. There was no one near him so he sneaked outside and opened the next door. They had confiscated his blade knife and he was determined to get it back before he escaped. It just meant too much for him, his last reminder of his real family. He sneaked in every door he could find and was about to give up but decided to sneak into the last door too. He looked around and saw a kinda empty looking room decorated like an office would look like. He stepped into the room and focused onto his task of finding his last reminder. Finally he saw it. It laid on the desk beside the computer. He ran through the room, grabbed his knife and ran back outside. He ran through the hall as fast and quiet as possible and cursed under his breath. How was he going to find the exit? He thought he may have ran the same way twice but he just had to find an escape. After a few minutes he found a room with an escape capsule. He went in there and was ready to say good bye to these galran when his ears started to hurt and he was startled with a loud sound. Someone must have found out that he was escaping and pressed the alarm. Trying not to panic Keith took a deep breath and got into position to fight. He was determined to either escape or die.


„Where is he?!" one Galran screamed and searched the room where they left the kit. „He must have escaped! Push the alarm button!" the other Galran pushed the button and both ran out of the room to find the missing kit. The searched in small teams the whole ship only to find the kitling in the escape room in a fight stance with the blades knife ready to defend himself. „Come here kit. You have zero chances to win against my solders." The general said. Keith stared at him without saying anything. He was sure that he would fight for his freedom. Death or life. "I am going home now." Keith said slowly while keeping track on everyones movements. "We called your pack. They are on their way to us, to you." the general tried but Keith just glanced at him. "You really think I am stupid enough to believe you would pass the blades of marmora without any harm just to get a kit? Yeah and I am the princess of Altea." Keith chuckled darkly and directs his knife to the general. "Either way you let me go or I have to fight you off." He said thinking about his pack about to fall into his trap. He won't let that happen!

It was silent for a few seconds then the general started laughing. The general was beyond amused. He never happened to be threatened by a small kit. He glanced to his soldiers and nodded to them. They knew right away what that meant and attacked the kit. "When we have defeated you we will bring you to the nursery and we will treat you exactly your age. Would you like that? Ever tried a diaper?" The general grinned at Keiths shocked expression. Keith felt embarrassed at being called out like that for his age. "Fuck off" he spat in the generals face. "You little brat!"

Keith fought like he never did before and defeated a lot of them but more and more seem to me coming. He was already drenched in blood and breathing like a madman. Keith was getting tired and his whole body ached. "Give up already" the general chuckled again at Keiths attempt to fight them off. "Maybe I will torture your pack for all my men you killed just now" the general smiled while looking dreamy into the air, imagining what things he would do to them. Keith halted in his movements and stared at the general with pure hate. "I KILL YOU" he screamed and ran straight to the general while successfully dodging all attacks from the other Galrans. Keith directs his knife to the generals face while jumping to him. Keiths knife gets knocked out of his hand and falls useless to the floor. Keith doesn't bother and attacks him with his claws and fists. He climbs up his large body and attacks his face making the general lose his vision. "You are the- AH- most annoying kit ever!" The general was littered in scratches and his whole face was a bloody mess. "ENOUGH!" He finally screamed and managed it to grabbed Keith by his nape. He tears the Kit away from his face at holds him in front of him. Keith struggled in his grip but couldn't get it to free himself. The general threw Keith against the wall with such force Keith saw white. Keith couldn't find any strength to stand up and glared at the general who grinned at him like he's crazy.

"You are mine now. As soon as we find your pack you will be begging at my feet to spare them but it will be all your fault, little kitling"


I am reaallyy sorry I just stopped updating but so much came up..  I even thought I couldn't continue with the story but I wrote the last few days bit for bit and finally succeeded to finish this chapter. I think i found my motivation again and can continue to update even if it's slowly..

I read every comment u guys left me and I thank u all for them, they made me really happy and had me smiling. Thank u so much for having this much patience with my lame ass writing :)

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