A trap

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They still had hope. They won't let the enemies win. Their kit was alive and not harmed.

They searched for Keith for about 2 weeks since he went missing and they didn't find any clue to his whereabouts. Ulaz and Kolivan where in the kitchen and were talking about their next steps. They discussed something as the alarm stung their hearings. "What is going on?" Kolivans loud voice boomed through the ship. "I found a signal... but it's from the enemies. They are calling us. It looks like they try to contact us?" Coran said and he glanced to Allura for a comand. Allura stared at the computer and bit her lip. Accepting this could be dangerous.. but maybe it was really Keith. "Do it. We accept it, put the call through but try to track them just in case" she said and bit her lip again. If this was a trap she was sure they were about to fall into but if it wasn't for Keith what else should they do?


Keith woke up to a massive headache and a sore body screaming for a break. Since he was captured at his escape the general brought him back into the nursery. His hands were chained together he was placed into a crib which he was chained onto too. No one really came to look after him and eventually they would even forget to bring him food. His stomach cried for food but he guessed this was his punishment.

After he was captured he was dragged through half the ship and screamed at. The general even punched him a few times and threw him into the room as soon has they reached their destination. "You think I was joking?"the general said and stared Keith into his eyes. "You think you can escape after we were so friendly to you? That's not very nice of you" he taunted and started to grin. "You treasure your pride, don't you? Well, soon I will have you begging at my feet. You will learn what it means to behave, kit" he said, chained his hands together and onto the crib and went to the door. He stopped at the door frame and glanced at Keith with a smirk he then left the room without another word.


"Hello Voltron. I am general Torak and I have an announcement. We have your kit" a dark voice said and the paladins held their breaths. Kolivan growled angry and huffed. "Give me back my kit this instant you heard me?!" He screamed angry and through a punch against the wall. The paladins flinched and stared at Kolivan. He never saw the emotionless leader with such strong.. emotions. He literally trembled in anger. "Sure. I will give you my coordinates and you can come to get him" the Galran said. The Blades of Marmora and the paladins glanced at each other with suspicion. Why would the general give them Keith without anything? Something wasn't right and they all felt it. "What do you want in return?" Thace asked and the general chuckled. "Nothing. I just want to bring a kit back together with his family" he said while smirking. Allura felt a shiver pass through her body and she knew this must definitely be a trap. "Good give us your coordinates and we will meet you to get him" Shiro said and stared at the hologram of the general. "But remember if he is only the slightest hurt we will make sure to destroy you" Shiro promised and turned away. The general chuckled again. "Of course. The little kitling is alright. We take great care of it" he smirked. They ended the call and immediately received a message with the coordinates where they should find Keith. "Princess, do you really think we should just jump head first into this? It's obviously a trap" she heard Shiro mumble next to her. She turned to him and put her hand on his shoulder in comfort. "I know that it's a trap but if it means that we can rescue Keith we can't lose any time anymore. We don't know if Keith isn't hurt already..." she said and smiled. "We will get him back, no worries"


Keith was sleeping on his stomach. He managed it to fall asleep even if it wasn't very relaxing he needed it right now. He slowly woke up to something shining into his face. He opened his eyes and saw that there was a window and they were passing some stars that were shining bright. It kinda felt like a morning on earth. He yawned and wanted to rub his eyes but he couldn't move his hands. Keith stopped in all his doings and turned his head to look at his back but what he saw shocked him to his core. "What the.. No, No, Noo!!" Keith screamed and tried to sit up. "General you fucktard!" he screamed again and cringed at the squishy feeling. The general entered the room after a few minutes and smirked at the kit. "Well don't you look adorable" he said and placed his hands on the top frame of the crib. His eyes staring at the sitting kit. "Hmm the diaper suits you.." he said and leaned down to Keith while looking him up and down and back to Keiths blushing face. "Take it off of me!!" he screamed and shook his hands trying to loose the up. "I have to admit you really look adorable when you do your little dance in your crib" he grinned and leaned down to grab Keith by his armpits. "What are you doing?! Let me down!" Keith tried to shake himself as much as he could do so the general would let him fall down but it wasn't of much use. "Well you asked me to take your diaper off so I obviously do that now" the general said while smiling and turned with the kit in his arms around to the changing table that stood on the other side of the room. Keith turned around to look where the general was taking him and his red face got even redder. He never felt this vulnerable before.. No one ever treated him the way other Galras in his age would have been treated. "You bastard! No!" He screamed and wiggled as strong as he could in the generals hold. "It's no use, kit. You will behave now" he said and laid him onto the changing table. He opened a small closet and pulled out a pacifier with a strap. "If you psycho think you can treat me this w- HMM!" Keith screamed as the general pushed the pacifier into his mouth and closed the strap behind his head. "Ah.. much better. Stop your damn tantrum right now" he taunted and started to undo the diaper Keith was in.
Keith felt tears fill his eyes. He hoped his pack would save him soon.. this was true torture.


I hope it's not too confusing ;)

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