How are things going?

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Keith was in the trainingroom with Antok. Antok has shown him some new tricks so he could improve his fighting skills. He didn't knew why but Keith had this feeling in his gut. He kinda wanted to just drop his knive and attack Antok playfully. He didn't know where this urge came from but the tried to ignore it. The last time back then when he play fighted with someone, he endet up having a long timeout and nothing to eat for a few days. He didn't mean to hurt him.. he thought it was just play and fun but he learned from it and never did it again. They just endet their little break and postioned themselves. Antok glanced at Keith and froze for a second as he saw the playful glint in his kits eyes. He smiled softly and dropped his weapon. Keith looked at him confused and was about to asked what this meant, but Antok was too fast. He jumped forward and both fell backwards. Keith immediately understood and proceeded to attack Antok. The two were playfighting and it was a lot funnier than back then. After a while both Galra layed on the ground and tried to catch their breath. „It seemed you had fun" Antok said and flashed a genuine smile. „Yeah" Keith said and closed his eyes. He was kinda tired now. It wasn't even evening, just afternoon and he was hella tired. Had to be from the play fight, Keith thought. Antok then stood up and walked over to his kit. „Lets go to the others, shall we?" he said and helped Keith stand up. Keith tried to hide a yawn but Antok knew he was tired. He had often rubbed his sleepy eyes but tried to hide the action. He felt like a parent.


It was time for dinner and Keith didn't go sleeping. He was so tired, he could sleep while walking and wouldn't notice anything. He felt like passing out. Ulaz and Antok were preparing dinner and shared worried glances. „Do you think he should have had a nap?" Ulaz whispered as he stared at Keith who was sitting on the couch, watching a show but they knew he didn't oay any attention. He fought his eyelids to stay open. They wouldn't be surprised if he fell over and would be in a deep sleep. „I tried hinting it but he was too stubborn and determined to stay awake. He said naps are for babies and i didn't want to cross a line" Antok whispered back. They were making noodles with vegetables and a pepper sauce. Simple but tasty. „Okey, Keith? Du you want to go get the others with me?" Antok said aloud and turned to Keith. Ulaz would be covering the table for the food.
Keith nodded slowly and stood up. Antok smiled softly went over to him and picked him up. He didn't protest and just layed his head on the wide shoulder. „Don't fall asleep, little one" Antok chuckled and went to the training deck. The paladins and rest of his pack would be there and after a lot of training they would need a lot of food. „Guys? Dinner is ready in a bit. Did you finish for today?" he asked and was met with eyes staring at him. Or more specifically the kit barely awake in his arms. „I think I am never getting used to this picture" Lance mumbled but left the training deck. The other paladins were following him but too stared at the kit. Antok smiled as he watched Kolivan and Thace walking towards him with a big grin. „How is he doing?" Kolivan asked and ran his hand over Keiths hair. The kit purred. „Stop, he is already almost asleep. He still has to eat even if it's a bit" Antok scolded. Kolivan grinned and put his hands out to him. Antok understood and handed Keith careful to the Leader. Keith immediatly nuzzeld his head into his neck and continued to purr softly. Thace, who was standing next to them, cooed quietly. „So adorable.." he whispered. „Let's go back. I am sure Ulaz is missing us already and dinner might be ready too" Thace said and walked ahead.

They were sitting at the table and eating their food while talking. Keith was also eating, not by himself but hey at least he is eating. He sat on Kolivans lap and opened his mouth to welcomeed the spoon which was flying into his mouth. He would be incredible embarrassed but right now, he was too sleepy now. The paladins would share glances under each other but nothing's negatively. They would smile at him and he would blush. After a few minutes, Keith was too tired to eat. He didn't want to anymore. He wanted to go to train for a bit. „No" Keith said as Kolivan gave hime the next spoonful. „Are you full already? Come one, just a bit" Kolivan pleaded and smiled softly but the smile fell as Keith shook his head. „Let me go" he said and tried to slide off his lap. „Where do you want to go?" Kolivan asked and snaked his arms around his tummy to pull him back up. „Training" Keith said shortly and tried again to slide off but was stopped again. He whined loudly causing the other to stop eating. The other Galra looked worried to the two. „Keith whats wrong?" Ulaz asked from his place and shared a glance with Kolivan. „Now is no time for training, kit." Kolivan said and stood up. „Why is he acting so childish right now?" Pidge whispered to Thace but held her stare at Keith. Their hot headed paladin was tired and almost trowing a tantrum because of it. „When kits are tired, they get like this." Thace whispered back. Kolivan ran his hand through his kits hair and rocked him slightly. He kinda liked Keith getting like this. Soft snoring shook him from his thoughts. Keith was fast asleep. „Aw he will be totally embarrassed when he wakes up but this is adorable" the princess cooed.

Thank you all for reading. It makes me really happy <3

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