Mother Knows Best: Part 1

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"She's a real sweetheart, Spencer, I'm telling you."

Spencer Reid raised an eyebrow as he listened to his mother talk over the phone. How he allowed himself to get into this situation, he didn't know. But somehow, the subject of Spencer's co-worker, (Y/N) (L/N), came into conversation.

"Really?" asked Spencer, sitting at his desk. "You think so?"

"Oh, I know so!" she exclaimed. "She had nothing but great things to say about you... if I were you, I'd profile that she's in love with you."

That made Spencer raise another eyebrow and get a little red in the face. "In love with me?"

"Why, yes!" his mom said, her happy tone becoming evident over the phone. "I think you two would be great together."

Spencer wished that he could take his mother's word truthfully. Since his mother was a paranoid schizophrenic, she gets... confused, for lack of a better word. This time could be no different. Maybe his mom was just confusing kind words for love.

That didn't sound like his mom, though.

"Well," he started off, "I will definitely tell (Y/N) that you like her." A sweet smile followed those words.

His mother laughed a little. "Yes, please do! Also, tell her that I think you two should date."

Spencer's face got all red again before he nodded. While he loved his mother very much, he knew that he wouldn't tell (Y/N) that Diana Reid, Spencer Reid's mother, thought that they should be together.

"Well, Spencer, I gotta go... I have a lecture in a little bit. I love you."

Spencer looked down as he smiled a little. His mom didn't have a lecture at all. But, nonetheless, he rolled along with it. "Alright, Mom, good luck. I love you too."

As Spencer hung up the phone, he sighed. His mother wasn't getting any better, and neither was Spencer's day, until he saw his co-worker and long-time crush, (Y/N) walk through those doors.

"Hey!" Spencer said as (Y/N) approached her desk. The two locked eyes, and she smiled.

"Hey, Spence!" (Y/N)'s smile always whisked Spencer off of his feet. It was just so gorgeous and so calming. It gave Spencer hope in times that seemed dark and dreary. "What's going on?"

Spencer smiles a little as he sits down across from (Y/N). "I just got off the phone with my mom. She had really nice things to say about you since you visited her when you were down in Las Vegas."

(Y/N)'s smile reached her two ears. "Diana definitely had wonderful things to say about you. I learned a lot about you."

Spencer's face grew redder than ever. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Garcia's flustered movements and Hotch announcing the arrival of a case in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Spencer looked over at (Y/N) at the mention of Las Vegas. (Y/N) was already looking at him.

"I guess we'll be paying a visit to your mother soon."

"Yeah," Spencer said, lost in thought. "I guess so."

~ time skip ~

"Reid, (L/N), a word."

The team was piling on the plane, ready to get to Las Vegas. Spencer and (Y/N) were planning to do the same, but Hotch pulled them aside.

"I don't want you two working on this case."

"What?" Spencer and (Y/N) exclaimed in unison.

"Hotch-" (Y/N) started, but said man cut her off.

"Reid, I know your mother isn't doing very well. While we're in Las Vegas, I want you to stay with your mother. (L/N), I want you to stay with Reid and Mrs. Reid, so that way they aren't alone with an UnSub on the loose."

Both Spencer and (Y/N) muttered a disappointed but firm "Yes, sir."

Hotch nodded and walked off towards the plane. Spencer and (Y/N) followed.

"I'm sure your mother is going to be super happy that we're visiting her!" (Y/N) said happily.

"Yeah, she will be," Spencer replied with a small grin. Even though he didn't show it, Spencer was a little nervous to go see his mother with (Y/N). His mom is going to think that him and (Y/N) are together when they aren't, and she's definitely going to say something about it.

Not many of Spencer's co-workers have even met his mother before. (Y/N) was about to be with her all day. But Spencer knew that his mother knows (Y/N) better than anyone on his team. Only one thought kept playing over in his head:

What could possibly go wrong?

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