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Little raindrops hit the window next to you as the rain pours down from the sky. Your apartment is perfectly neat, since you are expecting company in about fifteen minutes. But this particular person is always a little bit early.

You make your way over to your kitchen, where you're cooking something you render to be simple: fettuccine alfredo. Most people find it sophisticated, but it's really just boiling macaroni and making the alfredo gravy.

As you're stirring the gravy and the fettuccine around, someone knocks on the door. Not wanting to leave the kitchen, you holler, "Come in, the door is open!"

The door creaks open as your best friend (maybe with benefits but that doesn't matter) Spencer Reid waltzes in and takes off his shoes. "Hey!" he says once he sees you. His eyes glance over at the food you're making and then back at you. "You didn't have to make all of this just to hang out."

You shrug, smiling. "I know I didn't. I was in the mood for some fettuccine and I thought I might as well cook some for you, too. You can take a seat at the table."

Doing as you say, Reid sits himself down at the table. "Is your apartment always this clean?"

You laugh a little as you serve him his plate of fettuccine. "I hate a messy workspace. I can barely think."

"Is that why you stay behind whenever we go on cases?" asks Spencer, twirling his fork in the fettuccine.

You nod, doing the same. "Yes, actually. Being at home helps me think."

He nods as he takes his first bite and is in awe. "Oh my gosh, this is heavenly."

You smile as Spence gawks over your food. "You like it?"

"I love it!" he proclaims, taking another bite and swallowing. "How can you cook so well?"

"It's just always been a talent of mine for no particular reason," you say as you shrug.

As the meal progresses, you two find yourself talking about whatever comes to mind, whether it be work or some book that Spencer read a while ago that you happened to know about. Whatever it was, both you and Reid had a great time full of laughter, friendship, and good food. Soon enough, the food is gone, but the talking doesn't slow itself down, even though you insist on cleaning the dishes and fixing the table. The conversation was in full swing until Spencer clears his throat.

"I, um... I wanted to ask you this."

You sit there, in curiosity. "What's up?"

"What..." he starts, "what are we?"

Taken back by shock, you look at him in the eye. "What do you mean by that?"

You could tell that he was nervous. Spencer always gets a little nervous in situations like this. "The things we do, what we say to each other, how we act together... (Y/N), we aren't just friends. Anyone can see that, but what does that make us?"

An awkward silence seems to fill the air for the first time tonight as you lean towards Reid. "I don't really know myself. I just... I guess I just always assumed that we were more than friends." You take a deep breath before saying, "But I don't want to stay that way." You secretly wished that you two could be even more.

All of the sudden, Spencer seems offended. "What?"

You swallow your pride and look Spence in the eye. "Look, Spence, I don't want to stay this way with you."

"Is it because I'm not good enough to meet your standards?" he replies.

This 'offended' Reid caught you off-guard. Was it something you said? "No, I never said that!"

"Oh, yes you did. You said it yourself that you don't want us to be this way!" he shouts, more hurt than angry.

You take a deep breath, trying to word your sentence carefully. "Just hear me out. Okay? Just-"

"Just what, (Y/N)?" he retorts. "Just listen to you say how you never wanted me around in the first place? Or how you just kissed me all of those times because I wanted to and you had no way out of it?"

Hearing this breaks your heart. Tears form in your eyes as you look at Spencer. "That's not true, and you know it."

"No, unfortunately, I don't know," he exclaims. You've never seen Reid this angry. His entire face looks lost of all happy emotions, and his fists are clenched.

The tears begin to travel down your cheek as you hear him say these words. "Spencer, please-"

"Don't," he says. "I'll see myself out."

As he starts to walk towards the door, your impulsive self yells, "I love you, okay?"

Reid stops dead in his tracks, completely shocked at what he just heard.

Talking becomes difficult for you because of how much you're crying right now. Once you notice that he just stands there, you decide to keep talking. "I love you, Spencer. I always have. I've loved you for a long time and I've never said anything because I was too afraid to say anything. I didn't want to ruin what we have."

Upon hearing this, Spencer takes a deep breath and turns around to look at you. "R-Really?"

You walk closer to Reid and connect your lips in a forgiving kiss. Out of the kisses that you two have shared, this one was different. This kiss is a mix of all of the different motives: passion, sadness, professing love, forgiveness, the whole nine.

Reid pulls away and looks at you intently. "Would it be redundant to ask for forgiveness?"

You laugh a little and look at him. "Yes. Yes, it would be."

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now