Hands to Yourself

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a/n: hey guys! mature content and language is written and used in this oneshot. areas that are considered mature content will be surrounded by [[ ]], so you could skip if you'd like. ex: [[ blah blah blah ]]
enjoy hands to yourself, and let me know if i should write more stuff like this! requests are still open
- frenchie

You need to stop thinking about Spencer and focus.

You and Spencer Reid are in the midst of a relationship, one that is very healthy and has lived for almost a year. It's so healthy, in fact, and you two are so in love with each other that you can't stay away from each other. The team jokes that you two are attached at the hip, or that you're like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. You're always hugging, always laughing together, always holding hands. It's very cute, everyone must admit. You're the BAU's it couple. You are the picture perfect couple that people see in the movies or in books, although Spencer insists that your relationship is way better than the ones written in the books.

But when you two are alone, that's when things get crazy.

When no one else is around, that's when the hugs are replaced with kisses. That's when the kisses go from sweet and gentle to passionate and hungry. That's when the kisses may travel to one's neck rather than exclusively the lips. That's when you two have sex, and you love it. Of course, this only happens when you two are alone, and you're pretty good and suppressing these urges until you two get out of work.

But today... today just was different. For some reason, at the office, you could not stop thinking about him. Every two seconds, you'd lose your train of thought and think of Spencer and how much you wanted him and longed for his kisses, only for you to remember that you were working and couldn't think about how hot your boyfriend is, or how cute he looks every time he laughs, or how he ruffles his hair when he gets nervous, or how-

Crap, you did it again! Trying to cleanse your mind, you go back to work, reading over some case files before the team heads off to a small town in Michigan for a case.

It didn't help with the man himself walked through the glass doors of the office.

You looked up, and once you saw your boyfriend, your first reaction was to drop your jaw, only to shut it a few seconds later. You both laid eyes on each other, and your heart stopped. You breathing hitched as your spine straightened. Maybe it was something in the air, but you wanted Spencer right here and right now.

Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but you certainly wanted to kiss him.

Amid your flustered self, you had enough time to take note of Reid's reaction. There was a mischievous gleam in his eye as his spine straightened. That's when you knew that Spencer was feeling it too.

What was happening today?

While you were gawking over your boyfriend standing by the door, Hotch walked out of his office and cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of the team.

"I, unfortunately, have to take this call. Our flight will be delayed by about an hour and a half, but still plan on going. Thank you."

The man disappeared back into his office, and you and Spencer looked back at each other. The mischief in his eye seemed to only grow by the second as he placed his satchel down and sat down at his desk, which was across from yours.

In order to try and hide these strange feelings, you simply smile and say a small, "Hey, Spence." You figured that you should try to mask these thoughts, even though you are dating a profiler and he'd figure you out right away, which he did.

"Are you feeling what I'm feeling or am I just a crazy person?" he asks quietly, leaning slightly over his desk.

You laugh a little and debate whether or not you should tell the truth. That would be kind of embarrassing, wouldn't it?

Nonetheless, you nod. "Yeah. I feel it, too."

He nodded and looked around, just to see if anyone was watching the two of you, before leaning in even closer. Not close enough to kiss you, unfortunately, but even where a whisper could be heard.

"Listen to me," he said. "In a few seconds, Prentiss is going to stand and talk to JJ at the other side of the room. Morgan's going to get coffee at the same time, and Rossi's already over there, so they'll be talking for a little bit. What you and I are going to do is sneak out right through those doors once Hotch closes his blinds right after Morgan gets over there."

You find yourself slightly shocked at his elaborate plan. "And what are we going to do once we get out there?"

"You'll see," he answered in that silky voice of his. He turned back around, examining the movement of the people. Just like he said, Prentiss stood to go talk to JJ, and Morgan went to grab his coffee. As soon as you two heard the sound of the blinds closing, you both stood and stealthily slipped out the glass doors, leaving you two in the hallway by the bathrooms and interrogation rooms.

"That was... that was incredible, Spencer. How the hell did you-"

"I'm good at noticing things. Now shut up and kiss me, we only have an hour," he said, cupping your cheeks and pulling you close, forming a fiery kiss that was filled with need.

You didn't hesitate to return his passion, and soon enough, you two were making out right outside of your office.

[[ So taken with you and the kiss, Spencer quietly pushed you against the wall and hoisted you up so you could straddle his waist, which you did. The only reason why his actions were quiet is because the office was on the other side of the wall, and that part of the building wasn't sound proof.

Humming in content as your fingers got lost in his curly brown hair, the world seemed to slip away, and it was just you two and your itching desire for each other. You could feel Spencer's hands travelling down both sides of your body, and a million nerves go off immediately.

His hands end up resting on your hips as Spencer pulls away from your lips and starts kissing your neck, the feeling of his soft lips against your skin making the butterflies in your stomach to berserk. You bite your lip to resist the urge to make some kind of noise that would express how much you like the feeling of his lips on your neck. ]]


At the voice, your eyes open as Spencer pulls back and reddens immediately. You look in his direction and see none other than Derek Morgan, looking at you two with that stupid smug look of his.

"Enjoying yourselves?" he asks you two as Reid puts you back down on your two feet.

You open your mouth to speak, but for some reason, no words come out. You're left speechless by the situation you've been caught in, and you hate the fact that none other than Derek Morgan had to find you two passionately kissing.

"What are you doing here?" Spencer asked him.

Morgan chuckled at his response. "I just need to use the restroom! Is that alright? Or are you two gonna occupy that space too?

"Oh, just shut up and go, Morgan!" you say and shoo him away with your hand.

He just chuckles and passes you too, muttering something like "They can't keep their hands to themselves, can they?"

You look at Spencer, whose already trying to stifle a laugh. You had to admit, it was all quite funny, but it was still mortifying.

"Keep your hands to yourself, (Y/N)," he joked as you two walked in, hands intertwined.

You were about to say something, but Garcia rushed up to you both.

"What the hell were you two doing out there for so long? And Spencer, why does your hair look like that?"


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