Romance Novels

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a/n: thank you for this, gia!! love ya girlie <3

It's one of those nights that everything bad you've witnessed just tended to swarm your head. Every time that you got something wrong in a case, every parent you've seen cry over a dead child, every UnSub that has escaped the BAU's grasp. It was gnawing away at your stomach, and tears just kept on pouring out of your eyes.

Your most recent case resulted in four young children losing their lives, and it hit you hard, because you were the one that messed up. You could've saved those kids, but in your head, you blew it.

And it crushed you.

Your apartment is a mess, and so are you. You blame yourself for that family's loss, and it crushes you. Your eyes are bright red with tears, and your cheeks are glistening with the residue of said tears. Your entire face is flushed because of the amount of crying you had done.

You tried the sweet snacks and the funny movies, but nothing seems to lift your spirit. You still have this huge hole in your heart about this case, and you can't let it go. No matter how much food you devoured or how many cute kitten videos that Garcia sent to you every minute, you can't get your mind off of the children that you couldn't save.

Seeing those parents cry over their child broke you. You went up to them and apologized for their loss, as you always do, but this time, when you went to apologize this time, it felt different. You were apologizing for their loss, yes, but it also felt like you were apologizing for your screw-up. You knew 'sorry' didn't do anything, especially now that you're crying about it.

Then, the doorbell rings.

The doorbell? You are perplexed at this. You don't have any plans or anything. In fact, you are completely fine with staying home and not going out or -

Oh crap.

Those words ring in your head as you open to door to reveal Spencer Reid, dressed up in a suit. His black dress pants go perfectly with the black tie that covered part of his red button-down shirt. His jacket also goes wonderfully with his outfit.

You had a date with him tonight that you had completely forgotten about. And there you were, in your pajamas.

The minute Spencer saw your face, worry grows in his eyes and his voice quivers slightly as he speaks. "(Y/N)... what happened? Are you okay?"

That one question was enough to make you start crying again. You can't even fake a smile as you looked at Spencer.

Immediately, Spencer walked into your apartment and wraps his arms around you in a tight hug, a hug that you don't protest in any manner. You wrap your arms around the genius and bury your face in his chest.

"Those kids... I blew it for them, Spence," you whimper, your words muffled. "They could've lived, but I blew it."

"Sh, sh, sh," he coos, holding you closer. "It's okay. It's okay."

"It's not okay," you respond. "Those kids died because of me. I failed at my job."

The second you said that, Spencer unwraps his arms and puts his fingers under your chin, lightly lifting your head. "Don't think that way," he said, his voice soft but his tone sterner than normal. "You did nothing of the sort. You performed well. Everyone else agreed with you, it wasn't just you."

While his words put your heart at ease, the whole situation still bothers you immensely. You fake a smile and wipe your eyes. "I'll go get ready," you say and go to walk away, but Spencer stops you.

"Don't worry about that," he says, looking down at you. "We can skip dinner tonight. I'll stay here with you."

If you had no inhibitions, you'd jump up and kiss him. But, unfortunately, you have many inhibitions that prevented you from doing so.

"Oh... okay." You smile a genuine smile at him slightly through your crying, since it's all of a smile that you can manage.

He grabs your hand and sits you down on the couch, since Spencer is super familiar with your house already. "Let me read you something," he whispers.

You nod, not really knowing what he had in mind. "The books are over in the bookshelf by my bed..." you trail off, before saying, "They're all romance novels, by the way."

Before walking fully into your room, Spencer pokes his head out. "I'm going to be reading you a romance novel?"

You chuckle at his shock. "Yeah, you are!"

For a quick moment, you forget that you were even crying in the first place.

"Am I going to be reading you some Fifty Shades of Grey crap?"

Upon hearing that, you double over in laughter. Why, you don't know, but hearing that made you crack up. You think it was probably the thought of Spencer reading the unholy things that happen in that book.

"No!" you say through your laughs, your voice strained from your previous crying and current laughter.

"Good," he breathes as he disappears into your room, looking for the perfect book.

~ time skip ~

Spencer's voice was exactly what you needed to soothe you. It wasn't so much the words that were printed on the page, it was the way he said the words. It warmed your heart, and about halfway through the book, your eyes weren't as red, and your cheeks no longer had the streams that the tears left behind.

Spencer was also super freaking warm.

Along with these observations, you also seemed to notice the feelings you have for him. You knew you had feelings for a while, but you never imagined them to this extent. You would even say that you loved him.

And you did. You always have.

He had taken a break from the book, and you two were left just talking about whatever came to your mind.

"So you've never read a romance novel like this?" you ask him.

"No," his silky voice answers. "But, I've already learned a lot from them."

You move your head so your eyes are locked with Spencer's. What you don't notice is the very small amount of space separating your face from his face. "Like what?"

"Like how this whole situation is like a romance novel," he replies. "The girl is crying and upset, the guy comes over and comforts her."

You blush when he says that.

"And," he continues, "while I've only read three quarters of a book like that, I think I know what should happen by the end of it."

Even though you didn't mean it to happen, your eyes flicker down to his lips before going back up to his eyes. His eyes do the same before locking eyes with you. You guys stay there for a minute before Spencer lays his lips on yours, forming a kiss.

Without hesitation, you kiss him back, your eyes fluttering shut upon contact. Somehow, your fingers get tangled in his perfect hair, and he cups your cheeks. While kisses cannot talk, both of you understood that this kiss was a silent decree of your love for each other.

It seems like an eternity before you pull away and open your eyes, looking at him. "I think this beats any romance novel ever."

He chuckles before whispering, "I agree."

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now