Last Night

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~ mature language is used ~

"We didn't have sex, right?"

"For God's sake, (Y/N), I don't remember!"

Last night was just supposed to be you and Spencer, hanging out and relaxing. That was all. Just you two, movies, popcorn, and laughter. You never thought that in a million years that you two would have too much to drink and not even remember what you two did and why you woke up next to each other, naked. It was quite a shock for both of you, and you both kind of freaked out when you saw that none of you had absolutely no clothing on at all.

And now, you're arguing about it.

"I don't remember either, Spence! And if we did have sex-"

"Can you not say it so bluntly?"

You stare at Reid in awe. You two forgot what happened last night... and he's worried about you mentioning sex too much?

But, nonetheless, you listen to him. "Okay, fine. If we did do the dirty-"

Spencer snorts, almost as if to hold in laughter. "'Even if we did do the dirty?'" he says, trying to contain his laughter.

You are at a loss for words. First he tells you not to say it so bluntly, so you don't. Then, he laughs at your attempt to not say it so bluntly.

"You asked me not to say it so bluntly, so I didn't!"

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to say that we might've done the dirty!"

You had to admit, it did sound a little stupid. But what else were you supposed to say? It's not like you can think straight with all of these possibilities flooding your head.

"Okay," you start off, "let's start over. Do you remember anything from last night? Anything at all?"

Spencer shakes his head, his messy hair bouncing around.

Oh crap. His hair.

Spencer did say something, but you don't hear it, because upon further inspection... Spencer's hair was not a good sign.

"Earth to (Y/N)!"

"Spence... you have sex hair."

He raises an eyebrow at you, not understanding what you mean by 'sex hair.'

"What I'm trying to say is that your hair is a mess, in a way that shows the world that we allegedly had sex." You're a little shocked at the fact that you two are even having this conversation.

Spencer's eyes widen as he rushes into the bathroom and checks his hair. "My hair is... uh... naturally messy. Especially in the morning."

It's really difficult for you, but you manage to stifle your laughter. "Spence, that's sex hair."

"No. My hair is always a mess in the morning."

"The world knows the difference between messy hair and sex hair, you know."

Spencer walks out of the bathroom, looking at you. "So... we did have sex?"

So much for not saying it so bluntly. "I-I guess so."

Spencer looked around awkwardly. This was a little embarrassing. You two never even talked about your feelings for each other ever, and now, you allegedly had drunk sex.

"Well, statistically speaking," Spencer starts, "seventy-two percent of people are the most honest when they're drunk because there's nothing holding them back any longer."

As the attractive male is talking, he walks forward, getting closer to you with every step. Soon enough, only two inches of space are separating you two.

"What are you trying to say, Spence?"

"That I think we wanted to have sex with each other, deep down. I think that we are attracted to each other, and getting drunk was just what we needed to finally reveal those feelings."

You don't know why, but for some reason, your stomach fills itself with butterflies.

"(Y/N), I think I'm in love with you."

You stare at Spencer's deep brown eyes as you process what he just said to you. At this point, what did you have to lose?

"I think I'm in love with you, too, Spencer Reid."

Slowly, but surely, you two connect your lips in a sweet kiss: one that teenagers dream for. Your heart jumps up to your throat as his tongue enters your mouth and explores. Your hands tangle themselves in his sex hair, making it look even worse.

This goes on for quite some time until you two pull away, and stare at each other intently.

"You know what would be funny?"

"What, (Y/N)?"

"If we didn't have sex at all last night and this conversation was held for no reason."

Spencer chuckles. "That would be funny."

"Promise me that you won't tell the team that any of this happened."

Spencer smiled and pointed at his hair. "My sex hair won't assist me with that task..."

You laugh and look at the man standing in front of you. "I love you, Spencer Reid."

"I love you, too."

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now