Can't Keep a Secret: Part 1

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"(Y/N), I know I'm totally correct. You like Spencer Reid, also known as Boy Wonder, and I refuse to hear any different."

You, Garcia, JJ, and Prentiss are having a girl's night. After work, you all unanimously decided to drive to a restaurant for some good food and a few drinks just for fun. You tried to invite the men, but they all had excuses of their own. Now, everyone's a little buzzed, and Garcia is questioning you about your feelings for Spencer Reid.

You and Spencer met once you started working at the BAU. Spencer was still pretty new, so they looked at you two as the rookies. Sure, the name kind of stuck you two together like glue since everyone referred to you as this, but this title caused you guys to become great friends, even outside of work. You can't count how many times you've slept over at his apartment, or how many times he's slept at yours. You two have shared endless laughter and even a few tears sometimes, but that's what makes you two best friends.

Of course, this tight bond didn't come without romantic feelings. You had the biggest crush on Spencer Reid that any girl could ever have on a guy. Every time he walked by your desk, you'd try your best to look professional and put-together. Whenever he glanced at you, you could feel your heartbeat quicken. But, despite these feelings, you knew that Reid didn't look at you romantically. To him, you were a good friend, and you didn't mind that. At times, you just wished it could be more.

Now, the ladies have noticed these small actions that you do, and are now interrogating you about him.

"Garcia's right," adds JJ. "You definitely have a school-girl crush on Reid."

"Don't deny it!" exclaims Prentiss.

You could feel your cheeks heat up as you dwell on your answer. The honest truth is that you do like Reid; you like him more than you'd like to admit. Nervously, you look down at your empty wine glass before smiling a little.

"Okay, okay..." you say. "Maybe I do like him a little. But you guys cannot say anything!"

The ladies immediately gasp and start to giggle a little. Man, you guys really are like teenagers.

"I knew it!" says Garcia, a jubilant smile on her face. "I knew it from the start! Ever since you told me that he stayed at your apartment and you fell asleep in his arms!"

"Wait, what?" JJ says in response to that, glancing at you. "(Y/N), you never told me this!"

"He's stayed at your apartment?" asks Prentiss, a shocked look on her face.

"Guys, calm down," you say. "It's not that big of a deal. And, yes, he has. I've stayed at his before."

Garcia's eyebrows raise. "You don't mean to tell me that-"

"No!" you say, cutting her off. "No, I haven't slept with Spencer. Are you kidding?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if it got to that level, though," Prentiss uttered. You glared at her for a second before laughing it off.

After all, they could never tell him this, right?

~ time skip ~

As Spencer Reid walked into the office, he waved at Prentiss and smiled at Morgan before sitting down in his chair and setting his satchel down. He didn't get much time to do so, however, because Garcia decided to walk up to him, an unusual smile on her face.

"Good morning, Boy Wonder," she said with a grin.

Reid looked up and smiled at her. "Well, good morning to you, too, Garcia. What brings you to my desk?"

"Oh, nothing!" she said, her grin only widening. "I was just thinking how cute you and (Y/N) are together and couldn't help but come over here to bother you about it."

At first, Spencer dismissed her words but then realized what she was saying. "Wait, what? Me and (Y/N)?"

Just the thought of that made his stomach fill with butterflies. Nobody knew it, but Spencer has had a crush on (Y/N) since... well, since a while ago. Spencer remembered meeting for her the first time and being a little nervous and caught off-guard at how pretty she was and still is. Garcia's words made Reid think that maybe, just maybe, (Y/N) felt the same.

"It's not like she's totally in love with you or anything," Garcia said. "I mean, she's only slept at your place a million times and you've only slept at her place a million times. It's not like she has feelings for you or anything."

"How'd you-"

"Oh, Boy Wonder, you know that I know everything, right?" Garcia replied, a knowing look on her face. "Clearly, (Y/N) isn't looking at you as just a friend, and, if I'm being honest with you, Reid, I don't think you're looking at her as just a friend either."

Reid's cheeks warmed up like a oven, turning a bright red at the slight embarrassment. "W-What do you mean by that?"

Garcia adjusted her position before chuckling to herself. "I mean that you two are in love with each other. Isn't it kind of obvious to you? You are a genius after all."

"We're what?"

Garcia and Reid both turn in the direction of the voice to see you standing there, a shocked look on your face. Soon enough, that face filled with hurt.

"Garcia, you said you wouldn't-"

You don't get much time to talk, because you can feel the tears beginning to well in your eyes. Trying to supersede those tears, you turn and quickly walk to the bathroom, avoiding everyone's gaze.

"(Y/N)!" Spencer calls out as he walks after you. "(Y/N), wait!"

Garcia can't help but feel the growing guilt in her stomach as she follows you and Reid.

Just Me and Spencer Reid ~ Spencer Reid OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ