Abducted: Part 4

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~ spencer reid's point of view ~


"A casino," Spencer breathed out, his voice hoarse from all of the crying.

"Reid, you're on speaker," said Hotch. "Are we sure on this? How'd you come to this conclusion?"

"We established that the poems he's writing explain his steps of abduction. The first poem talks about the actual abduction, the second poem talks about what he does with them afterwards, which leaves the third poem to tell us where he's keeping them. Garcia, pull the poems up on the board for them."

Through the phone, Spencer could hear the clicking of Garcia's keyboard and the sound effect from showing the team a picture.

"Thanks, Garcia. Now, to the rest of you, I want you to look at the third and fourth line of the poem," Spencer directs.

"...but I look at it as a lucky toss
or that cards that were given a good shuffle," Morgan's deep voice reads.

"Think about it," Spencer responds, "where in the world are cards shuffled and things, most likely dice, are tossed?"

"A casino. The kid's got it," Rossi answered, still examining the poem.

"But there are a million casinos in the area," Prentiss interjected. "Our UnSub could work at any of them."

"I got stumped there, too, until I kept reading the poem. Look at the fifth and sixth line of the poem," instructed Spencer.

"What are the chances that I could take
what belonged to you?" Morgan read once again. The line stays silent before that same voice asks, "What does that have to do with the Whisperer?"

"Stealing. If you also closely read the other two poems, they also talk about stealing something, whether it be his actual victims or their humane attributes. This guy was a robber. Garcia," Spencer called, "look up casino employees that have a background of robberies. Make sure that these employees work at a casino in our UnSub's comfort zone."

"Roger that, Wonder Boy number one-eight-seven," Garcia said in a sing-songy voice. "And we have a winner! Name is Edgar Lou, he is twenty-six years of age, he's been working at a local casino called Whose Money is it Anyway? for about five years, he's got lots of robbery and aggravated battery charges, which most of said charges were dropped, and... oh."

"What did you find?" asked JJ.

"When Edgar was six, which was twenty years ago, his house was robbed at midnight. He woke up and his mom was gone..." Garcia said as her voice softened. "His father took him to see a therapist who suggested writing poetry as an escape. Most of his poems were about caged animals."

"That explains the poetry and the cages," Prentiss stated. "Garcia, do you have a picture of Edgar's mother?"

"Of course I do," she said and pulled up a picture.

"That looks just like (Y/N)," Morgan muttered, but it was loud enough for Spencer to hear through the phone and frown a little.

"This is definitely our UnSub," Hotch started. "Garcia, we need-"

"Already sent to your tablets. Good luck my lovelies!" Garcia's voice chirped.

"Reid," Hotch said, "JJ and Morgan will be there to pick you up. You guys are going to the casino. They'll bring your vest."

Spencer noticed how good it felt to finally smile. "I'll be ready."

~ time skip ~

Riding in the black Suburban was something Spencer missed, strangely, even though he wasn't really gone for long.

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