➴ forty-eight: I DARE YOU ➴

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〖 chapter xlviii: I DARE YOU〗

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〖 chapter xlviii: I DARE YOU〗

Wysteria's wings seemed to hide themselves away in fear when Edward said the Volturi were coming

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Wysteria's wings seemed to hide themselves away in fear when Edward said the Volturi were coming. She had heard stories about them. How they are the lawmakers of vampire kind. How they're ruthless killers who collect vampires with special abilities. "If the Volturi find out about you and your pack, they'll want you for themselves." Edward explained.

"Why?" Wysteria breathed out.

"The Children of the Moon, the werewolves that they're aware of, they can't change their shape willingly like the Quileute can." Edward explained. "They'll see you all as a novelty, something to be trained and tamed to serve them." The wolves around Wysteria growled. 

"And Aro will want you too Wysteria. You're a Thunderbird. Aro hasn't seen someone like you in centuries and this time around... He might not respect your power. He might just want it." 

"Go now, Leah, Seth, Paul." Sam shouted. Wysteria's cousins whimpered lightly as Embry, Quil, Jared and Ash came running out of the forest, no longer in wolf form. The five boys were going to attempt to carry Jacob out of the area. "Wysteria come on." Sam commanded. Wysteria started to trail after them but then something rooted her to the ground, a feeling that she couldn't leave yet. Jacob's blood. It was coating the ground. Wysteria wanted to leave no trace of him. The Volturi would surely be able to smell him and the other wolves.

"I'm going to cover your tracks, get rid of the blood." Sam arched an eyebrow at her as they lifted Jacob up with ease. He had to be at least 300 pounds in wolf form and yet... It didn't look like the boys were having any difficulty carrying him. "Just go. I'm right behind you." Wysteria said, already calling down lightning and making the hair on Sam's arms rise.

"Hurry." Sam said before him and the boys disappeared. Wysteria made the lightning burn the grass and blood, leaving a coppery, charred smell in the air but she wasn't working fast enough.

"Wysteria!" Alice shouted. 

"I'm almost done!" Wsyteria shouted back, slowly burning the trail of blood that had left Jacob's body as he had been carried off. Then suddenly Alice was in front of her, shoveling dirt on the remaining drops of blood and dragging Wysteria back into the safety of circle of vampires.

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