➴ fifty-six: THE COLD CHILDREN ➴

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〖 chapter lvi: THE COLD CHILDREN〗

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〖 chapter lvi: THE COLD CHILDREN〗

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jacob whispered to her

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jacob whispered to her. Wysteria chewed nervously on the inside of her cheek and shrugged. 

"It's now or never. We won't have a big gathering like this of the Elders, shifters and everyone knowledgable about the Spirits for a while." Wysteria said. "If it doesn't happen now... I don't know when else we could bring it up." Jacob sighed. "You just keep humming that song in your head Jay. Or think about me." Jacob grinned.

"Always do."

"So Edward says." Wysteria said. Jacob snickered and kissed her forehead as the two of them joined the large circle of family and friends. Wysteria didn't exactly know how to bring it up but as the sun began to dip in the horizon, Wysteria couldn't hold it back any longer. "Hey, I have a question for everyone." People turned to look at Wysteria who tried not to blush too hard. "Maybe nobody even knows the answer but... Is there a story about where the Cold One's came from?" Wysteria looked towards the Elders of the tribe, to her mom, to the pack members. "I mean, are Cold Children a thing?"

"They can't have kids." Sam said. Wysteria shrugged.

"I know but then... who was the first vampire?" Wysteria asked. "If they weren't born, they had to have been created." Nobody said anything. "Right?" Wysteria heard Elder Ateara clear his throat and Wysteria almost fist bumped the air. If anyone knew anything about Bella and the Cullen's situation, it would be Quil's great-great-grandfather. 

"The answer you search for Thunderbird, is not known." Wysteria felt herself deflate a little. Jacob put his arm around her shoulders. "But..." Wysteria perked up. "There is a story I heard only once in my lifetime when I wasn't much older than Seth Clearwater." Wysteria looked over to her cousin who was sitting on the edge of his seat. "It was about a Cold Child." Elder Ateara said nothing more.

"Could you... Tell us?" Wysteria prompted. He shifted almost nervously on the chair he was sitting on. 

"Alright, if only to warn you all that the Cold One's are even more dangerous than we fear them to be." Wysteria swallowed hard. She didn't like the sound of that. 

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