Chapter 1: Running

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Chapter 1: Running

(Chloe's POV)

"Chloe open this door!" my foster father yelled from the other side of my locked door. I won't open it though; not for him. My parents died in a car accident when I was five. They were hit by a truck that had hydroplaned due to the intense rain storm. My uncle was my legal gariden, but since he was in jail due to being an alcoholic; I was placed in the foster system. I'm thirteen now and I'm currently living with my tenth foster family.

"You ungrateful child!" George, my foster father, yelled pounding on the door clearly drunk again, "I said open up."

'I can't,' I thought, 'he'll hurt me again.'

I quickly rand to my closet an grabbed my backpack. I packed everything that was important to me, which wasn't a lot, and grabbed money I managed to save up over the years. I ran to the window thankful that I was on the first floor of this house. I jumped from the window and ran into the night as quickly as I could.

When I reached the bus station I bought a ticket to Athens Greece; which was only eight hours away. When the driver asked, I made up some story about visiting my uncle. It wasn't a complete lie because my uncle is in Athens; he's just in jail. As soon as the bus was out of town, I breathed relieved.

"Running?" an angelic voice asked from beside me. I looked over to see the most beautiful man sitting by me. He had sort dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in an unusual outfit for this century. He looked to be in his early twenties and wore a gold 'V' shaped necklace.

"N-no" I stuttered, "what makes you think that?"

He smirked, "oh I can tell when people are running."

I looked down at my hands, "I'm just visiting my uncle in Athens without permission."

"I don't believe you," he said, "but I'll make you a deal. If you tell me the truth, I won't tell anyone about you."

I hesitated but decided to tell the truth, "long story short; my parents died a long time ago and my uncle is in prison so I was put in the foster system. I couldn't live with my foster family anymore so I ran."

"And what exactly is your plan when you reach Athens?" he asked, "it's a big city compared to the town you just left."

This got me thinking and I realized that I don't have enough money for a hotel.

"I haven't thought that far ahead." I admitted. The man didn't get a chance to answer because his phone rang and he answered it immediately. He started talking quickly and quietly in some language that I was unfamiliar with.

At some point I fell asleep. Someone shook me and I quickly woke up. The man that was sitting by me was looking at me.

"The bus is pulling into the Athens station." He said then looked away. He immediately stood up as the bus came to a stop and exited the bus quickly. I followed other adults out of the bus wondering where to go. I noticed the man sitting by me at the Taxi pick up.

"You still won't tell anyone about me right?" I asked walking up to him. He shook his head flagging down a taxi.

"No, but I would suggest you figure out what you're going to do form this point." He opened the taxi door and motioned for me to get in; I did and he handed me a white envelope before shutting the door. Then he gave the taxi driver some hotel name and the next thing I knew I was being driven into the city.

I opened the envelope he gave me and gasped. There was at least four thousand dollars inside. Some stranger who doesn't know me gave me all this cash and I didn't even know his name.

When the taxi stopped I got out and wondered if he had the right place. I was standing outside the four star hotel: The Royal Olympic Athens. A hotel employee came up to me smiling.

"Hello," he said, "you must be Miss Volturi. They have all your stuff at the front desk." He opened the door for me and I walked in confused.

"Thanks." I said smiling

"Hello," a lady from behind the desk said, "you must be Mr. Volturi's daughter." She handed me an envelope with a card key in it.

"Your room is on the top floor. You will be staying in Athenian Panorama room. Your room is fully paid for, for the next six months. Your meals have also been paid for, for three months. If you have any questions come and ask." She smiled and I thanked her heading for the elevator.

When I found my room I went in and stood there shocked. I wondered who could afford something like this for six months. I was too tired to think about it so I walked over to the bed and climbed in after putting on the pajamas I packed.

'That man must have been a guardian angel.' I thought before I fell asleep.

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