Chapter 27: Blake

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Chapter 27: Blake

(Chloe's POV)

I ran to the ocean and to a harbor where the letter from Blake said to go. A large yacht was at the end and I was supposed to go. Before boarding the boat, I took a deep breath and walked on board.

"You are more beautiful in person." A voice said from behind me and I quickly turned to see a man leaning against the railing. He had short dark brown hair and was dressed in black pants and a long sleeved red button up shirt. He looked like a business man going to work, but his red eyes tells the truth of who he is, Blake.

"What do you want from me?" I asked sounding braver than I felt. Blake tilted his head and smirked while walking towards me. He stopped only a couple inches from me and I noticed that he was just as tall as Demetri. I bit my lip to keep from stepping away when he leaned down and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Your gift."

I lay on the bed in a room on the yacht. The boat rocked back and forth with the waves heading towards a private island. I closed my eyes already missing Demetri.

"Why do you want my gift" I asked taking a step back.

"Isn't obvious?" He asked circling me, "you can accurately predict the future. I will use that to destroy the Voultri."

"I'm not going to help you do that." I snapped and he smirked.

"Oh you will," he he said, "because if you don't your adopted parents will die."

"Leave Athena and Damien our of this!" I hissed and he smiled.

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

I sighed and got off the bed to look out at the ocean. Thanks to my night vision I could see everything clearly and I could still make out the lights of Italy in the distance.

"You look sad." I jumped at the voice from next to me. I looked to my right to see another vampire sitting on the railing studying me. He looked around sixteen years old, like me. He had short black hair that looked all messed up. He wore black jeans and a black shirt as well.

"I had to leave my mates, family, and friends because of Blake," I snapped, "why wouldn't I be sad." His eyes flashed and he smiled.

"You must be chole," he said jumping off the railing to stand in front of me, " I'm Alex." He grabbed my hand and placed a light kiss on my knuckles.

"Hi." I muttered and he smiled.

"Don't be like that," he said, "after all we are going to be spending a lot of time together."

"Excuse me." I said stepping away.

"I'm you personal guard," he said, "Blake doesn't want his best weapon getting harmed."

"In other words he's making sure I don't run away." I replied flatly and he chuckled.

"Something like that." He smiled and I gave a little smile as well.

"Well Chloe if you need anything just call," he said stepping onto the railing, "I'm in the room next to you."

"Ok." I muttered

"And Chloe." He said turning to look at me, "I'll be your only friend so don't hesitate to come to me if you need to talk." He smiled then disappeared into his room. I bit my lip and after a minute I returned to my room as well. A small weight was lifted off my shoulders thanks to Alex. However, I couldn't trust him. He's working for Blake, whatever he does, is just going to be because Blake asked him.

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