Chapter 19: One Simple Answer

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Chapter 19: One Simple Answer

(Chloe's POV)

I lay on the couch flipping through channels trying to find something to watch. Demetri and Felix were trying to get information from Jess. It's been two days and they're not getting anywhere. Heidi walked into the room looking annoyed for once.

"What's up?" I asked as she sat in the chair by me.

"Damn girl won't give any information to Demetri and Felix," Heidi rolled her eyes, "she's crazy." I laughed and we continued to talk and watch TV.

I was walking down the hall to the garden a few hours later. Demetri and Felix were still trying to get information from Jess; I didn't understand why they didn't just get Jane, but whatever.

I wondered what was going on down there, but Aro asked me not to bother them. I walked past the door that leads down to the dungeon and when I was a few feet away the door burst open making me jump. I turned just in time to see Demetri storming towards me. When I tried to step out of his way, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the castle to the forest in the back. I watched when Demetri let me go and slammed his fist against the tree making it fall over. I pursed my lips together watching him run his hand through his hair angrily.

"I'm guessing that Jess is being very difficult." I muttered out loud and Demetri let out a growl. He turned around, his pitch black eyes locking with my red eyes.

'Yup, he's angry.' I thought with a sigh. I leaned my back against the tree when Demetri looked up at the stars. Minutes of silence passed and he hasn't relaxed from his tense posture. Eventually I decided he needed to be alone so I started to walk back towards the castle only to have Demetri push me against a tree.

"Don't leave." He growled and I raised my eyebrow. Demetri let me go and closed his eyes while running a hand through his hair.

What did Jess do to make him this angry?

And damn is he hot when he's mad!

"She won't give us any answers," Demetri said very annoyed, "Jane even came down, but we got nothing."

"What about Aro?" I asked.

"He can't see some of her memories; she's hiding the information from him."

"Oh." Was all I could say and he huffed. He started to pace in front of me ranting about how horrible Jess was; it took all my strength not to laugh because he reminded of a dramatic girl. When he started to cuss; I walked up to him and placed my hands on his cheeks while looking into his black eyes.

"It'll work out in the end," I said trying to calm him, "one way or another you'll get information from her." This time Demetri pursed his lips together and something in my head clicked.

"Jess isn't the reason why you're mad." I stated dropping my hands from his face and he let out a long sigh.

"She's only part of the reason." He said and I crossed my arms.

"Tell me Demetri." Demetri let out a frustrated growl and ran his hand through his hair.

"Jess told Aro..." he paused trying to find his words, "that the only way she'll give up information..." he was really struggling, "...and Aro agreed to her request." I raised my eyebrow. It didn't escape my notice that he was avoiding the 'request.'

"What was it?" I asked.

"She...Uh..." he took a very long pause, "shewantsmetosleepwithher." He spoke so fast that I didn't understand what he said.

"What?" I asked and he took a deep breath.

"She. Wants. Me. To. Sleep. With. Her." He said slowly through clenched teeth.

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