Chapter 25: Decision

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Chapter 25: Decision

(Chloe's POV)

I sat on the window ledge looking out at the town. Demetri was in the throne room with the rest of the elite guard discussing options. After I had my vision of Blake killing Demetri, Aro went to Raven to see if she could see anything; but she couldn't see a clear future at the moment.

I sighed wishing I could sleep just to pass the time. I got bored of reading three hours ago. There was nothing on TV today and I wasn't in the mood to draw.

(Demetri's POV)

I stood with the other elite guard in the throne room watching Aro pace back and forth. He's clearly worried about what Chloe saw, but to me it was just a vision; of course she's been right about everything else so far...

No just a vision...Everything will be fine.

I snapped back to attention when Caius growled in annoyance at Aro's pacing. After another few minutes Aro let out a long breath and turned to the elite guard.

"Felix," he said, "I want the castle security to increase. Have more members of the lower guard posted around the castle." He turned to Alec next.

"Alec," he continued, "every four hours you, Jane, Afton, or Santiago will take four lower guards and patrol the city. You will decide who goes when." Alec nodded and Aro looked at me.

"Demetri I want you to just stay inside for right now until we can get more information."

"Sir," I protested, "I can help. Nothing is going to happen." Aro frowned and shook his head.

"I don't want to take that risk Demetri," he said "stay here with Chloe. Both of you will have guards as well." I held back a growl. I can take care of myself.

"You can go now." Aro said dismissing us. Felix patted me on the shoulder before taking off to do what he was told. Alec and Jane smirked at me in amusement earning a growl when they did. Heidi walked up to me smiling.

"Look at the bright side Demetri," she smiled, "you get more time with Chloe." She winked before taking off.

Heidi did have a point there.

I walked into my room to find Chloe laying on the bed looking annoyed. She was glaring at the ceiling as she lay on her back in the center of the bed. I chuckled and crawled on top of her.

"Why are you looking so annoyed?" I asked and she let out a long breath.

"I'm just bored." She said, "and worried." I kissed her and looked back into her eyes.

"I understand," I replied, "Aro is assigning people to guard both of us and I can't leave the castle either now." She laughed and I raised my eyebrows.

"Now you know how I feel." She said with amusement in her voice. I chuckled and kissed my mark on her neck.

"Yes I do." I replied then kissed her again.

(Chloe's POV)

This is why Aro keeps Demetri busy. When he gets bored, he goes crazy. We went several rounds the past few hours, but I was just done and wanted to relax. That's what I've been trying to do for the past two hours, just read and relax. However, Demetri pacing back and forth got on my nerves and I made him sit down. He stayed relaxed for maybe ten minutes then started to tap his fingers on the side table.

"Please stop." I said placing my hand on his. He let out a frustrated breath and glared at the ceiling.

"I just don't like not being able to do anything." He said annoyed and I patted his hand.

"Welcome to my world." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"You just always have to be on the go don't you?" I teased and he smirked.

"Yes I do," he replied, "I'm not used to being locked up and not being able to go anywhere."

"Annoying isn't it?" I said smiling and he chuckled.

"Yes it is."

"We can watch a Movie." I suggested on the second day of Demetri being here.

"Not in the mood." He muttered looking annoyed as he glared at the TV. I sighed and returned my attention to the TV as well.

"Maybe we can go for a walk." I suggested and he sighed.

"Then we will be followed by those guards." He muttered sounding annoyed. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the TV. Demetri wrapped his arms around me and kissed his mark on my neck.

"Entertain me." He said as he nipped my ear. I moaned and closed my eyes while he nibbled and kissed my neck. I was about to give in, but Felix interrupted us.

"I hate his timing." Demetri muttered as I got up to open the door. When I opened it Felix was standing there looking upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked and Demetri appeared behind me.

"Aro need to see us." He said and walked off leaving me and Demetri looking confused.

When we enter the throne room everyone was already there. Aro was frowning as he read over a piece of paper in his hand.

"What's going on?" Demetri asked and everyone looked at us.

"Blake just sent us a letter." Alec replied and I tensed.

"What about?" I asked and Aro handed me the paper while he remained deep in thought. Demetri read it over my shoulder and growled.

"No." He hissed taking the note from me, "absolutely not!" I bit my lip thinking. Black said he would back off for a while if I went to him. This was a perfect chance for the rest of the Volturi to prepare for an attack. They also wouldn't have to worry about protecting me.

"Do not worry Demetri," Aro said, "we will not allow this." I watched Aro sit back down clearly thinking. Demetri pulled me close to him as I thought. I looked over at Raven and when her eyes meet mine I made my decision.

I had to leave. It was the only way to protect Demetri and everyone else here. So I will leave tonight; I will leave without telling Demetri, it's the only way.

Raven snapped her eyes to me quickly and tilted her head a little. She knew what I was going to do, but she didn't say anything.

What has she seen?

Author's Note:

Sorry I haven't updated I've been busy.

Sorry it's also short too...Writers block is kicking in, but it will start getting better. :)

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