Chapter 18: An Angry Demetri

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Chapter 18: An Angry Demetri

(Demetri's POV)

"Ok I'm done with this." Felix said after Chloe won the fourth game of poker. I called Peter and he said the best was to start training her gift was to play games like poker.

"Come on Felix," I smirked, "you almost won; maybe one more game." Felix threw down his cards and walked out of the lounge.

"No!" he said, "I'm done; get someone else." I laughed and turned to Chloe who gave me a guilty smile.

"Sorry." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry," I replied, "Felix just hates losing." We looked up to see Felix walking back into the room.

"Demetri," he said, "Aro needs to see us." I nodded and gave Chloe a quick kiss before leaving with Felix.

"Glad you could come," Aro said when we entered the throne room, "there's been some commotion going on in Rome. I need you two to go check it out."

"Isn't that where Jess lives?" I thought out loud and Aro nodded.

"If you come across her then I want you to bring her back," he said, "I need to speak to her."

(Chloe's POV)

After Demetri left I walked back to our room only to run into Jane. She gave me her usual bored expression when I smiled at her.

"So I heard Demetri is going to go after that Jess girl." Jane said to my surprise.

"Why?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know," she replied, "I just know that there's problems going on in Rome and Aro is sending Demetri and Felix to go check it out." I paused and shook my head.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said before turning on my heel and running to the throne room; I could hear Jane running behind me, but I didn't pay attention. I burst into the throne room drawing attention.

"Chloe," Aro said, "this was a closed door meeting."

"I'm sorry." I said and walked up to him while holding out my hand. He took it and I noticed that Felix was restraining Demetri. I internally rolled my eyes; it's not like Aro will set me on fire or something. Demetri needs to chill out. I snapped out of my thought when Aro laughed and realized he heard me think that. After a second, Aro released my hand and fell into a thoughtful silence.

"Jane," Aro finally said, "you, Alec, and Afton will follow Demetri and Felix to Rome. Just follow them at a distance though."

"Yes sir." Jane said sounding a little confused and Aro nodded.

"Alright," Aro said, "off you go now." I walked out with Jane and Demetri appeared next to me a few seconds later.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"I really don't think you should go Demetri." I said and he raised an eyebrow.

"I can take care of myself." He replied and we stopped in front of the castle's entrance.

"But-" I started but was cut off when he kissed me.

"Stop worrying il mio amore," he said then walked out with Felix. A few minutes later Jane, Alec, and Afton followed them. I let out a frustrated sighed and walked back to my room.

I was sitting on the window ledge reading when my door opened. Heidi walked in and grabbed my arm.

"Aro needs to see you now." She said panicked. We rushed to the throne room to find Jane, Alec, Afton, and Felix there looking like they just got out of a horrible fight.

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