Chapter 16: Moving On

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Chapter 16: Moving On

(Chloe's POV)

I lied in Demetri's bed cuddled under the covers. I was dressed in my pajamas wishing I could sleep. When we came back from the states, the first think I did was go see Athena and Damien. I told them everything that happened and stayed in Athens for a week. I've spent most of my time in my room in Athens and since I got back to Volterra, I've stayed in Demetri's room. Demetri and I haven't been intimate because I was still upset over loosing Nick. It's been two months since he died and I keep finding myself thinking about him. I wished I could've helped him; I missed him so much.

I heard the door open then close and a few seconds later, Demetri was under the covers with me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He turned me around so I was facing him and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"Talk to me il mio amore." He whispered and I shook my head burring my face at the base of his neck. Demetri stroked my hair as we lied in bed. One thing I love about Demetri is that he's been very supportive for the past couple months. He caught on that I wasn't in the mood to be intimate and accepted the fact; since then he's been very pacient with me and very supportive.

The next day I was sitting on the couch in Marcus's liburary reading; well I was trying to read. In reality my mind kept wondering back to Nick. I stared blankly at the book as my mind wondered.

"I'm taking you to the zoo today." Nick said when I met him at the mall.

"That sounds like fun." I said smiling. He flagged down a taxi and an hour later, we arrived at the nearest zoo.

I was laughing when a peacock chased Nick away from his spot on a bench while I was looking at the Hippos.

"Problem Nick?" I teased and he smiled.

"It was going to kill me." He said as we walked away, receving several stares in the progress. Our next stop was the reptial house. While I was look at a cage for a spider, Nick decided to be funny and tell me that there was a spider on me. Being a natural girl, I flipped out while he laughed.

"Not funny." I muttered but couldn't hold back a smile. We looked at all the fish and when we came up to a tank where you could touch some fish, Nick made me touch a mantaray.

"Ok I'm done." I said pulling my hand out of the water and he rolled his eyes,

"What do you want to do now?" Nick asked as we walked out of the reptial house.

"Want to go feed some birds?" I asked and he smiled. One thing I learned that day was that Nick clearly didn't like birds. The second we enetred the cage to feed birds, he truned into a little girl. Everytime a bird flew by us, he would duck and run to me. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.

"You're an idiot." I said and he smile.

"You know you love me." He said and I smlied.

I saw someone sit by me out of the courned of my eye, but didn't look up. I figured it was Demetri. However when the person didn't speak I looked up a little and almost jumped out of my skin. Alec was sitting next to me. He was lounging back on the couch with his legs streched out and resting on the table in front of us. His arms was crossed over his chest as he looked at the lit fire in the fireplace.

"Master Alec," I gasped and he looked at me with a small smirk.

"Did I scare you?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"A little." I admitted. I noticed he looked slightly amused, but I didn't say anything.

"This is why vampires are cursed." He said looking back at the fire and I looked at him competely dumbfounded.

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