Chapter 23: It Wasn't an Accident

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Chapter 23: It Wasn't an Accident

(Demetri's POV)

"So where should we start looking?" I asked as Felix and I entered Greece.

"Aro was able to find out where the city keeps its files on foster children," Felix replied, "I think we should start there. Get all of Chloe's files and look over them tonight at the hotel. Then we will go see her uncle." I nodded and followed him to where the city keeps their files.

"Can I help you?" a lady asked as we entered the building.

"Yes," Felix said pulling out a Greek detective badge that Aro got for us if we needed to get information. We have detective badges from all countries.

"We're detectives from Italy and we need all your files on a girl named Chloe Andris." The lady looked at the badge and nodded.

"Just give me a few minutes." She said then walked to a back room.

"I love playing detective." Felix said and I rolled my eyes.

"So does Chloe know that we're doing this?" he continued.

"No," I said, "she just knows that we're trying to find more information."

"Tricky." He smirked and I huffed. The lady came back then carrying several files and gave them to us.

"Thank you." I said and Felix picked up the files.

"Where should we start?" Felix asked as we sat in the hotel room with the files spread out over the table. I sighed and reached for the oldest file.

"From start to end." I said opening the first file.

Chloe is going to kill me.

"What's that one?" Felix asked as we looked at all the pages.

"Her first foster family," I replied looking at the pages. "She was only with this family for three months. Neighbors called the police saying that the family was very abusive. Authorities took her to the hospitable where she was treated for several broken ribs and cuts." If I knew where these people were I would kill them. Felix sighed and read over the next file.

"Says here she was with her second family until she was seven," he said looking over the file, "It looks like this family just ignored her most of the time. She was taken away from this family because the city had concerns of the father who was arrested for DUI." Ok so that family wasn't that bad. At least they didn't abuse her.

Her next eight files were very similar to her second foster family. Her third family kept her locked in a room and nearly starved her. The house keeper called authorities who had to break down the door to get to her. When she was released from the hospital she was taken to a home for girls for a few months. This home wasn't any better than foster families. She was bullied a lot and the caretaker was abusive as well.

Her fourth family kicked her out after six months. Authorities found her in an alley and had to admit her to the hospitable because she was extremely sick. She was there for three weeks before taken back to the home for girls where she only stayed for three days before going off to live with another family.

Her fifth family left her stranded in the middle of a highway in winter time. The report said that she walked to the nearest police station. When she arrived she was, again, taken to the hospitable with a case of hypothermia. Doctors kept her there for a month and a half and she was taken to her sixth foster family after she was released.

Chloe's sixth foster family was decent at first. One night neighbor's called police due to commotion that was going in the house. When authorities arrived they found Chloe being beaten by the father with a belt. She was treated for extreme blood loss, broken and bruised ribs, along with a dislocated shoulder. Chloe had to get several stitches and doctors later discovered that the father was beating her for several months. Chloe was only eleven at the time.

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