Chapter 29: Chloe's Brother

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Chapter 29: Chloe's Brother

(Chloe's POV)

I sat next to Alex at a campfire where other members of Blake's "army" sat. Blake was gone so we all decided to have a night out; camping, as Alex put it. We were all chatting happily and talking about our live before Blake. No one mentioned the Volturi though and I had a feeling it was because I was there. Several hours in Alex decided to do impressions of Blake which made everyone fall into a fit of laughter.

But this wasn't my home; these vampires are not my family. Sighing I stood up and walked over to a bolder and took a seat while looking out at the ocean.

What is Demetri doing? I wondered.

Has he given up on me and moved on?

"There's that face again." Alex said while sitting next to me and I gave him a small smile.

"Sorry," I replied, "I just want to go home."

"To Volterra?" He asked and I nodded.

"Even after you've been gone for nine months," he continued, "do you really think they will take you back? I mean Blake has told us about them Chloe; they don't care about anyone. The ancients only want power, they don't care about the members of their coven."

"That's not true." I muttered without thinking.

"What?" he asked and I sighed. Before I knew what I was doing, I was telling him about the Volturi. How Aro is always running after his guard making sure that they don't fight. How Marcus will listen and give advice to those going through a hard time. How Caius acts scary, but is always finding a way to protect every member in the Volturi.

I told him about Heidi and Felix always having playful arguments. How Afton and Chelsea are constantly scolding people. I even told him about Jane and Alec. How the two are the most misunderstood vampires in our world. I told Alex about Raven and how everyone in the Volturi looks to her when they need help or just a kind smile.

When I finished speaking, I finally realized that everyone had gathered around me and Alex and were listening to my stories. It was silent for a long time before Alex finally spoke.

"Sounds like us." He muttered while looking out at the sea, "but the only catch is that Blake doesn't care." Everyone nodded and slowly left our camp site to return to their rooms. Eventually Alex and I were left alone and after a few minutes of silence he spoke.

"You must really love Demetri," he said, "and the Volturi."

"They are not my coven," I replied, "they are my family."

"You must really hate me then," he said causing me to look at him, "because I'm helping the person that is threatening your family."

"I only hate Blake." I said, "he killed my real parents and now he's threatening my family in Italy and in Greece." Alex sighed and laid back on the bolder to look up at the stars; his arms crossed behind his head.

"I've known for a while now that Blake doesn't care about us," he said, "yet I continued to follow him because I had this false hope that I could belong somewhere."

"Why do you feel like you don't belong?" I asked and he looked over at me.

"I spent sixteen years in the foster system," he said, "when Blake found me it was the first time every that I didn't feel unwanted or alone."

"I know what you mean." I said and he let out a small sigh.

"I guess I was just following this false hope that these people here would become my family."

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