Chapter 11: Mates

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Chapter 11: Mates

(Chloe's POV)

I stepped into the shower to wash all the dirt off my body. Peter and Charlotte lived in a huge farm house in Texas. I learned that Jasper from the Cullens owned the farm and let Peter and Charlotte live in it. Earlier today, Charlotte was teaching me some fighting skills. I learned a lot from her, but the main thing I learned was that Texas has a lot of dirt.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body then another one around my hair. After I dried my hair a little, I brushed it out. Demetri's bite mark on my neck caught my eye and it remained me how much I missed him.

The hot water ran down my body as I closed my eyes and washed my hair. Demetri and I went several rounds last night before Demetri had to go patrol the city with Felix. I laid in Demetri's bed for an hour before getting up to shower. I refused to leave his room because I was afraid of what people would say.

I sighed and reached for the soap. Before I could grab it, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. Demetri kissed his mark before kissing me on the lips. I broke the kiss and giggled when Demetri started to tickle me a little. He stopped and reached for soap. I moaned softly as he slowly cleaned my body. He stopped and massaged my neck and shoulders while peppering kisses along my neck.

"How are you this morning?" he finally asked while turning me around to face him.

"Fine." I replied with a small smile.

"Just fine?" he asked with a smirk, "was I not satisfying enough for you?" I giggled and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I had a great time," I said pulling away, "just have a lot on my mind."

"Like what?" he asked tilting his head.

"I was just," I started not knowing how to phrase it, "I guess I was just wondering what happens now?" Demetri looked very confused at my question, so I quickly continued.

"I mean when I come back, where will I stay? And what will I do? How will people see me, and-" Demetri placed a hand over my mouth and wrapped his other arm around my waist.

"You worry too much il mio amore," he said and lightly kissed my lips. Demetri stepped out of the shower and I watched as he filled up his large bathtub. I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body.

"Demetri I'm serous." I said as he poured bubble bath in the tube.

"So am I." He replied, "why are you so concerned?"

"I," I started off, "I'd just like to know what happens form here. What do I tell people?" Demetri sighed and turned off the running water. He picked me up making me drop the towel and placed me in the tub. He then got in and sat across from me and I blew at some bubbles to avoid looking at him. I felt his hand run up and down my leg and finally looked at him.

"Chloe," he sighed, "you tell people the truth. You're my mate now and the ancients already know." He smirked, "espically Aro and Marcus." If I were human, my face would be bright red by now; Demetri chuckled at my expression.

"When you get back," he contined, "you will be living with me in my room. As of what you will be doing..." he paused looking thoughtful.

"It would make me feel better if you weren't put in dangerous situations." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I can defend myself." I said and he glared a little.

"Defend Chloe," he said, "not fight." I started to play with the bubbles just to avoid looking at him.

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