first impressions..

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I look up to see the spider demon from before glaring down at me. Watching my every move as his lower hands were in a fist with his upper hands on his hips.

I start to panic so I hide on the other side of the dumpster and peaking to see that he was still looking at me.

"If you worried about me hurting you don't be, Cause I'm not going to....yet!" he says with a joke-y but stern at the end tone.

I take a look closer at him now, trusting his words as I step out from the shadowy dumpster. I take in the details of his looks and outfit, he seemed to really love mafia fashion, maybe even was part of the mafia at some point it looks like.

"Look, I get that the angel dust is talking to you, but If your looking to talk to the princess of hell then you better follow me.."

Angel says with a smirk before I follow him into the hotel.
-------------------------------------------------"princess of hell?" I question as I walk by angels side, looking around the halls taking everything in, the color palette in hell really loved red..

" You bet! She has this whole thing of "every sinner deserves a second chance or whatever! I beg to differ.." angel said, using his hands to talk and quote the princesses beliefs as they both finally get to the lobby.

" HEY CHARLIE!  I found another sinner who needs to talk to you!!"

We waited for a couple of seconds before I heard a voice reply, I turned my head over with angels as I looked to see where the voice came from.

It was the eye patch girl from earlier!

wait we have a sinner who wants to be redeemed?"   She questions angel as she walks over to (y/n) and leads her onto the couch by a mini-fridge.
"Angel go find Charlie and alastor while I talk to our new guest please?" Vaggie politely ask Angel dust.


Vaggie's pov:

I sits (y/n) down on the couch with her and talk to her for a while about how and why she was at the hotel.

She seemed like a nice demon, feeling bad for her story on why she was very confused about being here.

While angel and went to find alastor and Charlie once more I sat with y/n more as we both waited for the three to come back.
(Sorry hers is short for now)

Charlies pov:

I was talking to Alastor about how great the hotel looked and how the advertisements are up to when angel dust walks in.
"Hey Charlie, smiles. I have someone you need to meet." He tells us as he walks out of the room and back to the main room.
"We will talk about this later."
I say to alastor before we followed angel to the entrance of the hotel. I was confused until I saw a normal-looking female demon. But she had muted blue skin, She wore something that reminded me of a red-riding hood and goldie-locks combined, which hid the upper part of her face and hair.

I run to her embracing her and say " oh my gosh! Hi! Welcome to the hotel! I'm Charlie, the princess of hell. I'm so excited to meet you. You're going to love it here at the hotel, what is your name?"

"M-my name is (d/n) "
((Demon name))

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