Chapter 6 - Yusuf

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Yesterday Adnan met me in L-Spot, together we ate breakfast and waited patiently for our lecture time. While waiting, Fatimah and her chubby friend arrived. I couldn't take my eyes off them because I was so surprised, I never thought they would be there. I stared at them as they ordered for food, glanced at me and then smiled while they talk to each other.

"You know them?" Adnan asked.

"Of course, yes. They are in 100 Level. I met them in that fool's fucking lecture" I uttered.

"Dr Marwan?" He smirked. "Just because you have his carryover doesn't mean he's a fool"

"Yes, and just because you don't have his carryover doesn't mean he's not a fool" I snapped at him.

"Hmm, okay" He said checking his wristwatch with his wide eyes. "Time's almost up, let's go"

"Come on, we still have 20 minutes more" I said as I checked my own time and then glanced at Fatimah. "Let's wait, Adnan..."

"Oh, is it about those girls?" Adnan shook his head. "Yusuf, man, it's high time you repent"

"You won't understand, but you should know that I am not after anything from them. In fact I don't have business with the chubby girl, it's the dark one and that's because there is something special about her that I am yet to find out" I uttered. 

"Wow, you mean you love her?" He asked.

"What? I never say that!" I glared at him.

"Sounds interesting, after all she's beautiful" He said turning to her. "She's slim like you but dark, though not so dark. Yusuf, I cant really imagine the beautiful children she will giv..."  

I didn't wait for him to complete his words when I stood and left the eatery. He was so damn annoying, I wonder what gave him the impression that Fatimah and I could make a great couple. Was he sick or something? He must be nuts! Maybe he even liked her!

"Yusuf, wait for me!" He uttered from behind. I didn't say anything to him, I kept walking until he caught up with me. "Come on man, I was only joking but seriously she's really beautiful"

"Court her" I said not looking at him.

"Hmm, you sure about this?" He said.

I stopped and looked deep into his eyes. "Damn sure, but I know she won't even accept you. She despise me because I smoke, and you know a friend of a thief is also a thief" I said.

"Not in this case because I don't smoke. You are on your own" He said triggering my wrath.

"Get out of my sight!" I pushed him away and walked away. I could hear him calling my name but I pretended deaf ears. I was angry.

After our lectures, I was the first to leave the hall. I drove home without biding any of my friends goodbye. Immediately I was home, I parked in the parking lot and walked into the mansion. It was a celebration galore and when I managed to ask my sister about it, she beamed and said "One of our rivals lost their factory to inferno"

"And you are celebrating it?" I puzzled.

"Yes, or do you want us to mourn?" She said.

Just then, my father called me. They were five in the dining area, my mother was there and also two of our relatives, Uncle Asad and Ya Abdullah.

"Your sister has led us to victory!" My father said gulping his juice. "Finally, we are going to take over the cement market for good before Bulama Cooperation regain its full strength"

I was speechless, I couldn't even say anything and by looking at my mother's face I knew she wasn't happy too. She gestured to me to sit and I obeyed. Just then, my sister served me some fruits before fetching rice for me in a plate. As soon as she was done she sat close to me. Judging from the way she was looking at me I knew something wasn't right, so I didn't eat the food. I only stood and left. "Yusuf!" I heard her calling my name but I kept walking until I was finally in my room. Thus, she walked in as well. "What is wrong with you? This is our victory!"

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