Chapter 55 - Fatimah

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When few months ago I discovered Yusuf has a daughter, I was totally broken but what on this earth could I do? Absolutely nothing, the fact that I knew who he truly was right from the beginning before I accepted him. I should have known something like this could happen, but I was so blinded by the love I had for him.

Yusuf kept sending me apology texts, and kept disturbing me with calls... but all I did was to just ignore him. He had really broke my heart and I was so scared my parents might end up breaking our ties with the Dolari family again but I was so wrong, they didn't worry about it at all. In fact, as soon as they came back from Dubai they told me to call Yusuf and his uncle.

That day was the day they fixed our wedding day, and not a single word was said about the interviews. Was it a magic or something? I had kept wondering until Yusuf eventually told me he already narrated everything to them before they came back and they had understood him.

That was how I ended up forgiving Yusuf, but even after that our relationship didn't return back to normal. I used to find it hard to trust him these days and I used to think there were lot more secrets he was hiding from me even after he had swore that there were no secrets.

Talking about my relationship, how about the company? Well, my father wasn't impress on how I gained popularity as the new CEO. Also, he wasn't happy how I took over without even telling him but he was happy on how we had progressed so far. The first thing I did as the new CEO was to prob and suspend the staff members that were guilty of corruption, and expel those whose name appeared in the list but refused to plead guilty. Then I made sure our broken machines were fixed, and others serviced by some highly qualified engineers.

It was a success, our production time became less than before. And about market, I believed the problem was certainly from our marketing department so I came up with my own way as well. I decided not to waste millions in hiring any artiste, but to appear in the advertisement by myself as the youngest CEO in Africa, and a good example to all women that we are not naive, weak... but strong, and even more agile than men. It was a 5mins ad but got nearly a billion viewers. Thus, I did another one again but this time around it was about offering job opportunities to the poor qualified Nigerians.

I had really done a lot of things, and in short time the board members were impressed on how I managed to bring back our company to its peak. Everywhere, you would hear people talking about me and our company. I believe no business in this world will survive without people patronizing it, and to get that you must be a people's person and your products must be unique. We were now the number 1 paints and tiles producers in the entire country. You can hardly even hear about other companies.

My father never asked me to return his CEO to him, but... his actions used to say it. Well, I would never return it back to him. He should just rest, his time is over. And if he try to force me, the whole company would crumble. Even the board members would vote against him. I believe there is time for everyone and this time is mine. As for Munir, I told my parents what exactly happened and my father said he knew Munir was bad... I was also scolded for going out with my father's gun unauthorised.


Today was a hectic day at work, there were lot of papers for me to sign including that of staff salary. And while I was gently doing my work, my secretary phoned me. "Ma, Yusuf is here!"

I had to heave a sigh first and thence adjust my veil before telling her to let him in. Thus, he walked in with a Salaam while holding a bouquet of flowers. "Good Morning" He said.

"Morning!" I said, continuing with my work.

"Hmm" I heard him huffed as he approached me and then kept the bouquet of flowers he came with on my desk... "How are you?" He said sitting in one of the two visitors chairs.

"I am busy" I muttered, coldly.

"Fatimah, are you still angry?" He said.

But I didn't reply him.

I only continued with my work.

"Baby, look at me please" He said as he gently seized the pen I was using. "I am sorry but it would be best if we talk while looking at each other, or what do you think?" He wrinkled a brow, and all I did was to heave a sigh. Thus, he cleared his throat and continued. "Good. I know I really messed up and I am very sorry. Wallahi there are no more hidden secrets fa!"

"Oh yes, and I heard you. Now give me back my pen, please Yusuf!" I said trying to get it from him. "Please now, please" I begged him.

"Come and get it" He stood up from his chair while smiling evilly and moving backwards.

"Don't let me call the securities" I threatened.

"You are free to do that, baby" He scoffed.

Hmm, now what?

Stay and let him waste my time or...

Stand up, follow him, and get it back?

Well, I chose not to waste my time!

Thus, I stood from my seat and then walked over to him. "Give me my pen!" I requested.

"You want your pen?" He asked sarcastically.

"Of course, yes! Please!" I squealed.

"Alright, have it!" He stretched it to me. And just as I was about collecting it from him, he get hold of my hand and drew me so closer to him. "Gotcha!" He said with his hands on my back. And seeing I didn't complain, he kissed me on my forehead. "I love you, Fatimah. You are all I need, you alone baby! Without you, I don't know if I can cope with this life. I know what I did in the past was wrong but I have changed, for you and for our future kids..."

I kept looking into his eyes as he kept talking, until his words started bringing tears to my face. Just then, I leaned my head on his chest. No matter what, I would always love my man!

People used to say, marry the perfect man!

But are there perfect men in this world?

My sisters, open your eyes before you get hurt. There are no perfect men in this planet earth, just pray for the best and leave the rest to God.


Morning update...

Dedicated to Habibah.

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