Chapter 38 - Fatimah

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"Hey girl, you can't have everything and still be complaining" Qudrah said while combing my hair. She was just about plaiting my hair. "If I were you, I wouldn't be complaining fa!"

"Toh, sannu Mallama!" I uttered glaring at her reflection in the standing mirror. Actually, We were both facing the mirror in my room only that she was standing while I was sitting on a stool. "And who told you I have everything?"

"Oh come on, do I need somebody to tell me? You have a car, your parents are richer than mine, your mansion is very big, and look at your room please..." She looked around and continued. "You are also beautiful and have all that it takes to make Yusuf fall for you!"

"Mtsww" I squeezed my mouth and rolled my eyes at her. "People who have everything are those in Paradise. So, don't let worldly things deceive you – my friend. This life is nothing!"

"Hmm, that's true" She said smiling. "Thanks for the enlightenment but stop complaining"

"About my dandruff? Well then find me a permanent cure for it that's all!" I hissed.

"Hmm okey, will get one for you" She said.

"Until then, allow me to complain" I huffed.

"Okey o!" She said and then changed the topic. "How's Yusuf, hope you're taking good care of him? I even saw him few days ago in D-Studio"

"He's fine, he went there to take some pictures ne..." I said adjusting my head. "Easy, Qudrah!" I shouted, she had violently dragged my hair.

"Lol, sorry!" She said taking her hands off my head while gigling. "Does it hurt that bad ne?"

"No, it doesn't!" I glared at her.

"Sorry" She sarcastically apologised.

"Mtsww, you know what? Just... plait my hair for me, I am tired of your combing" I uttered.

"Hmm, ok" She said and began plaiting my hair. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you again"

"Mtsww" I rolled my eyes at her.


After plaiting my hair, I changed into another outfit thus we went downstairs to take lunch. My parents were already there so we greeted them before settling down in the dining table. Yummy! I served both Qudrah and I, it was a bunch of KFC deliveries. I loved KFC a lot, so I filled my belly and made sure Qudrah had hers filled too. What a blissful day! I belched.

"Now that you both have filled your bellies, how are you going to stand up?" My mother said as she gently began clearing the table.

"Wait and see, mum" I said about standing up when I felt the food in my belly about coming out. Thus, I unhesitatingly sat back. "Wayyo!"

"I think I told you" My mother smirked.

"Your mum is right!" Qudrah belched too. She had also tried standing up but to zero avail. If only we could... reduce what we ate, but nay!

"Leave the table for them to clear" My father said as he withdrew from the dining table. "I really would like them to learn their lessons"

"But Alhaji..." My mother said as he cut in.

"Not a word from you again, Raliya" He said and gently held her hand. "Lets go, please..."

"Hmm, okey then" She said.

And just as they were about leaving the dining island to their chamber — upstairs, one of our security guards came in sweaty alongside four armed police officers. "Sir, you have visitors..."

"Visitors? I don't understand!" My father said.

"Actually, we are not visitors" One of the police officers said. "We are here to... arrest you, sir!"

The word arrest made my heart to miss a bit. Arrest my father? For what reason? I thought while breathing vigorously. I was so... scared.

"Arrest me?" My father wrinkled his brows. "Why? And where is your arrest warrant?"

"Here it is!" One of them extended a paper to my father. "You're under arrest, sir" He said.

Just then, my father stretched both his hands to them. "Fine, you can take me with you but I need my lawyer as soon as possible!" He said.

"What do you mean?" My mother chimed in already getting emotional. "No, I can't let no one take you away from me!" She held him very tight not willing to let go. "I will never!"

That moment, I felt like the whole world was on my head. What is going on? I asked myself even though I didn't really know the answer.

"Don't worry, Raliya" My father said as they began handcuffing him. "I will soon return because I am clean. Just take good care of yourself and our daughter, ok? I love you!"

"No, no... I can't let them take you away from us!" My mother said as she busted into tears while standing by their way. She was serious.

"Step aside, madam!" One of the officers said.

"Didn't you heard me? I will not let any of you take my husband away from..." She uttered as the angry officer quickly shoved her away. It was actually aggressively, thus she fell down. Our security guard nearly revenged for her but was pointed a gun, hence he maintained.


"Ra... Raliya!" My father screamed as he ran to my mother with his cuffed hands. By then, both Qudrah and I had already ran towards her. "How dare you hit my wife?" He turned glaring at the officer. "Are you fucking mad?"

"Sorry, sir" The officer apologised.

"Fuck you!" My father said to him and then turned to my mother. "Hey, are you okey?"

"I... I don't think so, Alhaji" She said amidst sob. "Just don't leave me, please do not go!"

"Haba Raliya, it is nothing fa! So far I am not behind Alhaji Dolari's assassination" He said.

And by saying that, my mind gave me that it was a frame by perhaps Jasraa, Yusuf's sister. Hence, I ran upstairs to my room and dialed Yusuf's contact. "Hello, what is going on?" I said amidst sob as soon as he picked my call.

"Don't ask me, ask your father" He said, giving me the impression that he already knew what exactly was going on. "Just ask him, kinji koh?"

"Ask my father as in how?" I puzzled. 

"Ask him about my parents' demise" He said.

"You are a fool!" I blurted out angrily.

"Thank you!" He said and thence continued. "One of the apprehended assassins said they were sponsored by someone in his company"


Hmm, AsSalama Alaykum once again. How have you been? Also, how was the fasting? Hope it's moving great? Ma Shaa Allah. This chapter was tough, right? Well, it should be!

Anyways, we are gradually moving towards the end of this book. Perhaps I will stop at 50, or 60 In Shaa Allah. Depending on what Allah decides. Pray for me please, for my wellbeing.

I love you all 💖

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