Chapter 18 - Yusuf

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When Fatimah and Qudrah left, the entire parking lot was silent. Adnan didn't say a word and I also chose to remain silent. The only noise that could be heard was that of the breeze as the whether began changing, and also the noise of the distant moving vehicles.

I knew what Fatimah did wasn't right but Adnan also deserved it. Yes, because he was going extra mile. Next time, he should use his brain. I huffed as I walked into my car and started the engine. Without a word, Adnan walked into the car too and that was how I drove him home. He alighted without a word and walked into their gate. He must really be disappointed with what happened, he needed some time alone so I drove away without consoling him.

When I reached home, I was welcomed by my elder sister who informed me that our parents had traveled overseas. "For what? And so urgent?" I asked her.

"Yes, something came up" She said.

"Something like...?" I uttered with a wrinkled brow. I was very anxious.

"Well, I also don't know gaskiya but they are coming back soon" She said.

"Okey then" I huffed and gently headed straight to my room, it was as rough as I left it. One glance at my bed made me to remember the last time I had sex, it was with a very young beautiful girl during freshers' orientation party, remember?

Ya Allah, forgive me please. I heaved a sigh as I took off my shit. I needed a warm shower first before expiating my missed prayers. You know, I had went through a lot and had sweated which made my body uncomfortable for me.

After everything, I hopped onto my bed and swiped through my phone to Fatimah's contact. I so much wanted to call her but something told me not to. Yes, not today thus I slept off without taking dinner. I was tired, you know?

In the morning, after praying Fajr I began hearing my sister shouting on top of her voice. What could be wrong? I wondered as I hurriedly headed downstairs to see for myself. Behold, she was scolding one of our maids.

"Ke wawuya ce? Wato abincin ma sai an ga dama zaa fara tunda su Baba basa nan, ko?" She bellowed angrily.

"No madam, wallahi ba haka bane" The maid said and continued. "Zubaina ce baa lafiya. She's the one to cook today and she woke up very sick, I had to prepare some herbs for her to take..."

"What's my business? Go and get me something to eat, I have an important meeting to attend to!" My sister yelled at the maid whom, obviously, was older than even our mother. "Do quick fa!"

"Okey, ma" The maid bowed and left.

It wasn't I who was humiliated but I felt the pain through my spine. "Jasraa, this isn't right!" I uttered frowning my face.

"What is not right?" She glared at me.

"What you did!" I heaved a sigh and continued. "Zubaina is sick fa aka ce, you didn't even ask how she is. What kind of person are you, dan Allah?"

"And how on earth does that concern me?" She folded her arms across her chest. "They are paid to do their job and so they ought to do it, sick or not sick" 

"How cruel of you!" I said and walked away. I could hear her yelling at me to stop but I pretended deaf ears to her.

When I went into the kitchen I met the elderly maid sobbing quietly while preparing breakfast. And as soon as she noticed my presence she quickly wiped off her tears. "Welcome, sir" She said.

"Thank you" I leaned by the cabinet and huffed. "I am so sorry for what my sister did, and In Shaa Allah I will make sure I inform our parents about it..."

"No sir, please don't!" She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I don't want any trouble, just forget about it please sir" She implored.

"Okey then, but if she ever does that again I will make sure she's scolded" I said stepping away from the cabinet. "And about Zubaina, can I see her?"

"Yes, she's in our apartment" She said.

"Alright then" I said and left the kitchen.

Just as I stepped into their apartment, my eyes landed on Zubaina; covered with a blanket. She greeted me with a trembling voice and thus I responded.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Not... not fine" She stuttered.

"Not fine? I mean, I... I thought Umma gave you some herbs recently?" I said.

"Not working" She replied.

"Sorry" I folded my arms across my chest. "Can you walkout to my car?"

"I... I can manage" She stuttered.

"Okey, let me go and get my keys. I am taking you to the hospital, kinji?" I said.

"Thank you, sir" She said.

"You're welcome" I said and left.

After taking my car key I headed out to the parking lot but couldn't find Zubaina, she wasn't there and just as I was about going back to their apartment I spotted her and Umma walking over to where I was. Umma was literally helping her in walking.

Immediately we laid her in the back seat, I quickly drove her to a specialist hospital and that was how she was placed on a drip. She slept while I stayed close to her tapping through my phone. I wasn't able to eat anything for breakfast even though I was really starving. I just wanted to make sure 23–year–old Zubaina is back to normal.

Few minutes later, Umma called and asked how Zubaina was. I told her she was sleeping and that she shouldn't worry, everything would be alright. "Thank you so much, sir" She said, and before I could cut the call she continued. "I hope you've gotten something to eat over there? I wanted bringing you breakfast but your sister warned me not to leave, that the house shouldn't be left empty. I am so sorry"

"No, it's okey. I will get something here" I said and quickly terminated the call lest I wake Zubaina up from her sleep.


Few hours later, I couldn't resist my grumbling stomach so I gently walked out of the ward to a nurse sitting on a desk. "Hi, nurse. I am the guardian of the newly admitted patient and I want to sign out, I will be back soon" I said.

"Alright, here is the booklet. Sign in her row..." She pointed at the place for me.

"Thank you" I said after signing thus, left. The hospital had no kiosk talk more of a cafeteria, which means I had to drive outside to get myself something to eat. Well, it wasn't a bad idea or was it?

I drove to a restaurant few kilometres away and got myself a very hot coffee and some pancakes. And just as I began eating, the owner of the place started yelling at one of her employees. "Is this the right time for you to come to work? I am talking to you, Aminah!" She said. 

"No ma, I am sorry" The employee said and that made me rose my head to her direction. Her voice was familiar, where did I even heard it before? I wondered trying to see her face – her back was literally facing my direction.

"This should be your last warning, kina jina koh? If your pregnancy is going to be affecting your work then you should quit kawai!" The woman said angrily.

"Okey, thank you ma" The employee said and just as she turned, our eyes met. "You?" She said with her mouth agape. I was also shocked as well, I never thought I would see her again.


Hmm, hello everyone...

Long time no see! Actually, my phone had fault. Even now, I am praying to get new one. Anyways, I missed you all.

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