Chapter 21 - Fatimah

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"Wake up, Fatimah" My mother patted me. "Get yourself cleaned, breakfast is ready" She uttered heading to the door.

"Mu... m" I yawned stretching up my hands. "So, it's even..." I glanced at the wall clock. "Seven O'clock already?"

"Yes" She smiled and left.

"Dear God" I yawned again as I lazily stood from my bed. "Thank You for waking me up" I gulped and then withdrew from the bed and went straight into the bathroom. I was so deeply unclean so I took my bath, replaced my pad and then brushed my teeth before preparing myself for breakfast. I knew I was so damn late.

Just as I was walking to the dining area I saw my father already done with his meal. He cleaned his mouth and stood up about to leave when I greeted him.

"Good Morning, sir" I said.

"Morning" He uttered as if he was forced to respond to my greeting.

Sometimes, I used to wonder what kind of a father he was to me. As if I was the one that chose to be a female. He should be angry with the Creator instead since I wasn't the one that created myself.

"Kin shirya mun documents din?" He said to my mother as he took his iPad.

"Yes, I arranged them for you" She said.

"Okey, let me go and get them" He said.

"Alright, Alhaji..." She said to him while serving me my own breakfast. And as soon as he was already upstairs she told me to hurry up that I would be going to work with him today. "Please, hurry up"

"But mum..." I said as she cut in.

"Babu wani but a nan, just hurry up and finish your breakfast!" She said.

"Okey, mum" I muttered.

"Good" She said adjusting her cleavage. "Let me go and buy you some time" She winked and I didn't even know when I busted into laughter. "What is funny? Am I not hot ne?" She wrinkled a brow.

"Sure, you are" I chuckled.

"Jita kawai" She rolled her eyes and left.

That was my mother, sometimes funny and sometimes strict. She was a beautiful woman, fair in complexion and had all it takes to make a man bow down for her. Oh yes, she had ample breasts and buttocks. At first when my breasts refused to grow bigger I was so worried and also sad, I wanted them to be like hers... just like in the case of buttocks! Thus, she told me not to worry that with time I will see some changes. I practically didn't believe her at first until now. Presently, my breasts are becoming more bigger than before.

While sipping my tea with a mouthful of bread, Munir came out of his own apartment with puffy eyes. Perhaps he was just waking up from sleep, he really loved sleeping after fajr prayer.

"Can't you greet?" He queried as he sat opposite me and began serving himself.

I kept taking my breakfast pretending as if I wasn't hearing him at all. Verily, he had lost his respect from me already.

"Well, since you don't want to greet me ai sai ki tayi" He said wearing a smile.

"Mtswww" I stood and left the dining area to my room. After all, I was even done with my own breakfast already.

Just as I was changing into a jallabiya, my mother Salaamed into my room. "Wai ke what are you waiting for ne? Baban ki fa sauri yake!" She said.

"Rolling ya rage mun" I said.

"Let me help you" She swiftly walked to me and helped me with my rolling. Thus, we headed downstairs together and there we met my father scolding Munir. He seemed to be pretty angry.

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