Chapter 7 - Fatimah

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Today I woke up as early as possible because I was having Dr Marwan's lecture again, and while driving to school I bought some snacks and coca cola along the way. When I arrived at our lecture venue, I met Qudrah and few other students already in the hall. Qudrah waved at me to come and sit close to her, she had secured a seat for me already in the front like she always used to do. She was a good student, always coming to school in time.

"Good morning" I said walking closer to her, she was wearing a black jallabiya today with a qhimar which fitter her perfectly the fact that she was fair though not as fair as Yusuf.

"Morning, Fatimah" She said clearing the seat she secured for me. "How are you and how was your night? I hope you slept well?"

"I am fine Qudrah, and yes... I slept well. How family? Hope they are fine?" I uttered.

"They are fine, dear!" She said and just then Dr Marwan bounced in with his bag and laptop.

The first thing he did just after dropping his things on the podium was point his index finger to the back like a warning sign at somebody, and when we turned to that somebody we found out it was Yusuf. I was astounded, why were they always acting like cat and mouse? I asked myself knowing fully I didn't know the answer. What I learnt was that somehow, they knew each other for long.

"Good Morning class" He greeted us and thus we responded before the lecture began. He connected his laptop with a projector and started with introduction. Just then, we heard someone yelling from behind. It was Yusuf, and he was shouting at some students. That moment, I couldn't help but to ask myself what kind of a trouble child he was. I pitied his future wife.

"Yusuf, come over here" Dr Marwan said to him and continued. "Come and sit in the front, where I can see you well"

"Ahh!" Yusuf stood to his feet. I didn't want our eyes to meet so I turned my face away.

"Yes, don't waste our time" Dr Marwan said.

"Shit!" I heard Yusuf uttered and immediately he reached where we were in the front line Dr Marwan pointed at me and asked me to go back.

"Alright sir" I said without objecting even though I was so hurt beyond expectation.

"No, this isn't right!" Yusuf uttered as soon as I was about standing to my feet.

I was puzzled, his sudden utterance baffled me to the core that I couldn't even withdraw to my feet again.

"What is not right, Yusuf?" Dr Marwan said.

"The fact that she came so early just to sit in the front and now you are sending her to the back, it is not right at all sir!" Yusuf uttered.

"Go back to your seat and meet me after this lecture" Dr Marwan said and then continued with his lecture. I knew he wasn't happy at all.

After the lecture, Qudrah and I walked out of the hall with the intention of going home but something came up, call of nature and so Qudrah ran to the faculty's toilet. Perhaps she had eaten too much, yes she was chubby and we all know how good chubby people are in eating. They love food a lot, they are gluttons.

But don't mind me please, not all the chubby people are like that. In fact, Munir - my cousing was slim but he was a certified glutton. He could eat thrice what I used to eat in the dining area yet he hadn't grown any fat. I used to be surprised, wasn't he supposed to be fat? Well, it doesn't actually work that way and being fat doesn't really make one a glutton. Some fat people might not even finish half the plate I usually consume, so don't go and say I said fat people are gluttons. Else, you are on your own!

While patiently waiting for Qudrah in the faculty's rest area, I decided to fetch and eat the snacks I bought while on my way to school. I took my bag about unzipping it when a shadow clouded me. It was strange, and in bewilderment I rose my head and found a handsome guy standing in front of me with a broad smile on his face. He looked somehow familiar but I couldn't really recall where I saw him before.

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