Chapter 23 - Aminah

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Growing up in my uncle's house, I was treated as if I was an outsider. I had no right to do the things I like in the house and whenever I messed up, I would be throbbed mercilessly by both my uncle and his wife. They were so strict, cruel and also non-nonsense but despite all that... they gave me the best education.

My parents had died in a plane crash when I was two years old, leaving all their wealth behind and since I was just a baby at that time, my relatives decided to share the wealth amongst themselves leaving me with nothing. That was unislamic but did they even care about their religion? They didn't!

Thus, my uncle was forced to take me with him since he had no children. He was my father's stepbrother and was among the people that took everything from me. His mansion said it all, how could a secondary school teacher with petty salary own such a very big house with four cars? You should think too!

And honestly, nearly everyone I knew used to think I was a pampered child since I was seen attending only private schools, living in a big house, wearing nice clothes, using expensive gadgets and so on. Unknown to them was the fact that all they used to see were but deceptions by my uncle to make them think he cared about me but he practically didn't. If only they knew!

When I got admission into Zulu College, my uncle said after my Degree there he would literally marry me off because I was a liability to him. He had hoped to see me scale through the four years in a blink of an eye but then I brought pregnancy to him in my first semester.

My uncle became furious that he beat the hell out of me and told me to pack all my belongings and return back to our village in Jigawa. But why would I even do that? Returning back to our village with pregnancy will land me into trouble, if only I had the money to abort it before going there. It was expensive and the person responsible for the pregnancy didn't even sign for it, he insisted that we keep the baby.

Before I left my uncle's house, I already had my plan which was to go to my one true friend's apartment at Garima and stay with her until things gets better. It was a decision I had to make whether I like it or not since I had no where to go and would certainly not return back to the village with the baby I was carrying.

Safiya Abdulrahman had been a friend to me since childhood days, she knew almost all my secrets and I knew hers as well. She was the first to hear about the pregnancy and also the one that advised me to abort it. But as soon as she learnt who the person responsible was, she told me to keep it against all odds. Actually, it was Yusuf Dolari and his father owned the DAF Limited...

I practically did not even know all that until Safiya did her research and told me. Well, his wealth wasn't what I was after. I just liked him. In fact, I was the one that approached him the day we first met during our orientation party but I did not do that to make him sleep with me, I only did that to win his heart.

"Aminah!" Safiya yelled my name and swiftly walked over to me. "It is Yusuf, I think he wants to talk to you..." She said and then handed her phone over to me.

"Okey" I accepted the call and placed the phone on my ear. "Good evening"

"Evening!" He said and continued. "Where did you kept your phone?"

"Silence in the drawer" I muttered.

"Okey, I have been calling you since" He said and I could sense the anger in him.

"Sorry" I implored.

"It's okey" He said and asked how I was before telling me to take care of myself and our baby. "If you need anything, money... please Aminah don't hesitate to tell me. I truly ought to make sure you and our baby are perfectly fine, okey?"

"Okey" I gulped.

"Did the nurse come today?" He asked.

"No, she's busy" I responded.

"Busy? Ita wawuya ce? I paid her to be checking on you daily fa!" He squealed.

"Calm down, I was the one that grant her the permission not to come" I said.

And that made him to heave a sigh. "Don't do that again, please" He said.

"Okey..." I muttered and bade him goodnight before ending the call.

Quite alright Yusuf was a responsible guy, he was just three years older than me but he behaved like someone two times older than me. He was also kind and generous, always spending on me as if I was his wife. Sometimes, I used ask myself if I had ever met someone like him in my life before. He was so unique, incomparable and I liked him.


Hmm, another update again!

This curfew and lockdown is making me to be updating like a superhero... Anyways, may Allah protect us from Covid-19 and other deadly diseases.


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