Chapter 20 - Yusuf

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Few days ago I met the girl I violated in fresher's orientation party at a restaurant, she happened to be an employee there. Also, she was pregnant although I had no idea whose really it was. And she was so angry with me, no matter how hard I tried to talk to her nothing literally worked. It was as if my presence irritated her. I had no time to waste on her so I dropped my card for her to reach me whenever she was ready to talk. Thus, I returned back to the hospital where Zubaina was and stayed with her until she was later on discharged around 7 in the evening.

Today happened to be a sunny day, and for that reason I spent the whole afternoon at home. First, I took two sticks of cigarette in the backyard and then added up with a bottle of beer to quench my worries. Yes, I was worried about my mother. She and my father had been denied visa of returning back to Nigeria due to a Plague that had been killing people across the world. Although only one case had been reported here so far, the government just wanted to make sure our country was safe by temporarily cancelling flights from infected countries.

After taking dinner, I took shower and then got myself dressed into a bodyhug shortsleeve caftan and its trousers. My head was so bushy, I intended to trim it in my favourite Barbershop which was few kilometers away from our house.

"Where to?" My sister asked as soon as I walked downstairs with my car key dangling in my hand. "Da kai nake yi"

"What's your business?" I muttered.

"My business is I am your elder sister by far and I was asked to take care of you har sai su Baba sun dawo" She uttered.

"I don't have your time" I rolled my eyes at her. "Your life is different da nawa..."

"Zaa je ganin mace kenan" She smirked.

"Eh, uwar gulma!" I hissed at her.

"Well, I pity the girl" She giggled and glanced at me. "By the way, you look great today. I just pray she shouldn't give you whatever you have in mind"

"Nonsense!" I squealed and headed out of the mansion to my car in the parking lot. Bismillah. I stormed in and just as I was about igniting the engine into action my phone began ringing, it was an unknown number. Who could it be? I wondered, and before I could pick the call it ended. It seemed to be a flashing.

If it's important, the person will call me again. I thought as I started the car and drove out. In the barbershop I went to, I met Suleiman who briefed me about Adnan's self isolation. Yes, he had been isolating himself ever since Fatimah humiliated him. He once told me he needed some time alone. Well, I gave him all the time he asked for. Verily, every broken heart needs time to heal.

"I wonder what is wrong with him" Suleiman out of ignorance uttered.

"Me too" I lied and continued. "I think he only needs some time alone kawai"

"Just like that?" Suleiman asked.

"Yes" I responded with a faked smile.

"Well then, I wish him well don yanzu he doesn't even used to answer my calls and doesn't used to reply my messages" Suleiman said brushing his curly hair.

"Me too..." I huffed. Hence, we began talking about our semester break, our preparation for the next level and so on. We both missed school, you know?

After having trimmed our hair we left the barbershop and bade each other goodbye. Suleiman went straight to his car and I headed to mine as well. As soon as I was about starting the car, my phone began ringing again. It was the same number that called me before but this time around I called the number as soon as the phone stopped ringing...

"AsSalama Alaykum..." I calmly uttered immediately the person picked my call.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam. It's me, Aminah — the girl you took advantage of. Meet me in Old Airport junction, I'm ready to talk to you" She said and ended the call.

God, have Mercy! I quickly started the car and thus drove to the junction of the said area. Just as I parked my car by the roadside, I called and told her where I was and she told me to wait for her there. Luckily, the house she was living in wasn't far. In fact, my car was facing it and I didn't even know until I saw her coming out of the gate while adjusting her veil. She was still beautiful to me.

As soon as she approached my car, I hopped out and leaned by the door. "Good evening" I calmly greeted her.

"I thought you would not come..." She said folding her arms across her chest.

"I gave you the card, remember?" I said.

"I know" She uttered not looking at me. "You asked me that day if the child I am carrying is yours, right? Well it's yours"

"Mine?" I blurted out lowering my eyes to her belly, it looked somehow normal.

"Yes, you are the only man that ever touched me so far and for that reason the child is certainly yours" She said. 

Just then, I felt a piercing pain in my heart. If I was married, this might've been the happiest moment of my life but I was single. Also, I wasn't even ready to father a child yet plus the shame I'd bring upon my family. Ya Allah, what have I done to myself?

"I am already raising money to abort it" She continued. "That is why you saw me working in that restaurant. I only have an uncle, my parents left me in this world since when I was 2. I know my uncle and his wife doesn't care about me that much but wallahi if they find out I am pregnant they will surely deal with me severely" She said and before I knew it, she'd already began sobbing.

"I am so sorry" I uttered taking a gulp of my saliva. My mouth had become so bitter, as if I was sick or had tasted an unripe fruit. "Abortion is not the right thing, Aminah. You are just 18, what if you die in the process? I'm going to be thrown into hellfire if that happens"

"Oh yes, because you are the cause" She sniffed and continued. "You raped me, although I know I caused it for myself. I just wanted to be your friend but you took advantage of me and even had the guts to keep 50k close to me like I was a prostitute. Well, I left the money there"

"You were hot, and I... I couldn't control myself. I tried Aminah, I swear..." I said.

"Lets just forget about it. I've learnt my lesson already and right now all I want is for this thing to be out of my stomach. I am not ready to mother any child" She sniffed wiping her tears with her hand.

"I am also not ready to father a child but I don't think abortion is the best, lets just keep it. I promise, I will take full responsibility of it" I huffed and continued. "Take me to your uncle"

"You won't understand" She uttered unleashing another series of tears. "That man will kill me, plus I... I am very young for this. I can't give birth now, it will annihilate all my dreams"

"You know what?" I said thinking she would reply me but she sniffed instead. Thus, I heaved a sigh and continued. "Give me some time to think about it, I will get back to you... In Shaa Allah"

"Okey" She uttered and left without waiting for me to say another word.

When I drove back home, I could not even pray Magrib in time. I was so very weak, all I could think of was Aminah. God may never forgive me if I let her go for an abortion and then die in the process, same as both her late parents.

Oh, Ya Allah please forgive me for all my wrong doings, I know this is a test from You. I promise, if You find a way for me out of this I will permanently stop drinking, smoking and... and even Zina. I promise, please Ya Allah help me. I supplicated after praying Magrib.


Hmm, another update.

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