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Dragging my feet across the hallway, I try not to die on the way to the cafeteria, we are only halfway through the day and I cannot breathe anymore. The rumors of the heated argument in class earlier are spreading like wildfire and it honestly is as pathetic as it sounds. These games are annoying as shit and I want food now, or else I might just have to harm someone. This is not a drill, I'm murderous. 

Caspar is the first target...

Neither Relly nor Dani are in the lunch room, so I decide to grab myself some food before they arrive. Too ignorant and hungry to care, I grab a tray and give a little smirk to the ever so friendly lady behind the counter, "Feeling cheery today, are we?"

Her scowl deepens, "I am looking forward to you graduating, that is probably the only time I will cheer up."

"Scowling gives you wrinkles, just a friendly reminder," I laugh on the insides, it is too easy to rile her up and I am sure I will grow bored of it at some point. This is just my revenge for her commenting on my weight on my first day here, Dani defended me at the time and ever since then I have been standing up for myself. As soon as I lost the weight, the lunch lady hated my guts and it has not changed since then. 

Grabbing the fork she was pointing aggressively at me, I wink at her for the daily routine and scoot away to place my card in my wallet. A presence next to me has me on edge again and I try not to seem too affected, it is not a crime to want to eat lunch in peace and harmony. The person comes closer and I close my eyes, before meeting her head on. 

She is younger than me with curly red hair, I try not to give away any emotions on my face. Pulling out the poker face my dad taught me, "Is there a reason as to why you are breathing down my neck?"

She seems shocked by my bluntness, "Oh, no. I just want to know, is it true you are friends with Caspar? Because I have totally tried to get with him last semester and I can just feel it in my gut that this semester is the one, so I would really like it if you could introduce us. You know, so I can test the waters, make sure he knows I exist. He cannot know what he is missing out on if he doesn't know I am even here, and for the record he is missing out on some amazing and mind blowing sex-"

"Stop," I interrupt her, "I do not know Caspar, I do not care about Caspar, and I surely do not want to hear about your capabilities in bed. Now scurry off, let me eat my lunch in peace and I won't chew off loverboy's head, is that a deal?"

Her eyes widen before she hurries away, probably to tell her friends how much of a monster I am. No shock there, I am not the friendliest person and especially not with everything going on right now. There is more to this existence than some ridiculous gossip and a quick fuck, I cannot bring myself to care what the people here think about me. As long as I am the best person I can be to Dani, Relly and my dad, then I am more than set. 

"By card," A deep voice grumbles next to me. 

My eyes move before my mind reacts, seeing a guy next to me. His broad frame easily towers over mine, probably around 6'4 if I have to take a guess, and it does not help my situation that his shoulders are muscular as hell. Well, if only I gave enough shits about the gym to look like that, kind of jealous here. He runs a hand through his ruffled brown hair as he pays for the wok dish perfectly aligned on his tray. 

"And now you have upgraded from being mean to being creepy, congratulations," The nasally voice of the lunch lady cuts through my mind, she said it under her breath, but I know who it was meant to reach. 

The guy's eyes snap to mine in an instant, grass, that is the first thing I think about. Not the grass that is on the verge of dying, but the grass that has been taken care of and is perfectly green. This is so fucking ridiculous. Breaking eye contact as soon as shivers run silently down my spine, I face Gretha with a smirk. 

"Gretha, if you're trying to prove a point over there, I'd much rather you just said it straight to my face. Assault on the lunch lady is a sin so big it would force me straight down to hell, so consider this as me trying to get the best spot down there." 

Her mouth hangs open in clear shock, "That is a threat!"

I wave her off, "Let's not beat around the bush, it is a promise."

Not wanting to attract attention to myself once again, I roughly grab my lunch tray and stalk away from them. I can feel their eyes burn holes into my back, but it does not matter, neither does the tingles in my fingers from his stare. Gretha is annoying as hell and my father is always with me on my hatred for her, he has hated her ever since he found out that she commented on my weight and called me fat. 

She has threatened me before, too, so I know she won't go to the board about it. That is the only good thing about how fucking psycho she is. I am right up in there with her, but none of us will act on it. At least not on school property, if she spoke like that to me in public, I'm not really sure what I would do.

Slamming my tray onto the table where my two friends have magically appeared, I sit down in the seat roughly. The anger is rolling off me in waves as Dani raises an eyebrow, "Do not go up there without adult supervision again, please."

I shake my head, "No, I won't. Hopefully I will survive eating this meal, you don't think she poisoned it, right?"

Relly shrugs as she stares at Gretha, "I wouldn't put it past her honestly."

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