Chapter 6 😺

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I was well excited about shopping with at least three of my hybrids. The last time I went shopping with anyone was with my friend Hanna, just before she moved away. So it had been a while since I had company to the supermarket.

During the car ride Jin asked me if it was possible to get lessons for learning how to drive, since it's not against the law for a hybrid to learn these kind of things as long as their owner gives permission and if Jin wants to do that then I don't see the problem. But I don't think he's the only one that wants to do that since Taehyung and Jimin were both just as keen to ask about it.

If they want to then that's okay with me, my parents left more than enough money so it wouldn't be a problem even if all of them wanted to learn to drive, but I'll ask when we get home, right now we had a mission and that mission was to get snacks for tonight.

After pulling up in the supermarket and parking the car, Jimin and Taehyung literally skipped their way arm in arm to the entrance with their tails swaying side to side as they move. I giggled at the site and linked arm with Jin, I didn't know if he would let me but surprisingly he did but we walked though, we didn't skip.

The two hyper hybrids waited at the door for us with many passers giving them funny looks at their excitement but they ignored the strangers and just focused on waiting for myself and Jin. Upon walking into the building Jin grabbed a trolley while I picked up two baskets to Jimin and Taehyung which confused them but took them anyway while I showed them a smile.

"I don't know what snacks you guys like so you two can pick up whatever you like for yourselves and the others while I can food shop with Jin and we can pick our own together."

Taehyungs eyes lit up and gasped.

"Do you mean your letting us walk around the shop ourselves?" Taehyung

I nodded at him.

"Yes but as long as you don't walk out without us. I'll have to pay for the snacks and stuff first. We can meet you both at the check outs if you want or you can come and find us when your done."

They nodded and both hugged me at the same time before running off down one of the aisle, now leaving me with Jin. He was already, making his way over to the vegetable and fruit aisle, so I followed him.

"Jin, you'll have to let me know what snacks you like for tonight."

I nodded with his focus on some melons that were just next to me on the other side.

"Sure, we can just pick them up as we go along." Jin

I nodded at him and picked up a melon and some mangoes. I fancied some fruit snacks tonight as well as the junk food.

We continued walking up and down aisles and now and again I could hear Jimin's laughter or Taehyungs shouting. I just hope they behave themselves or we could get kicked out. Myself and Jin didn't talk much, except for when it came to food but I wanted to try and make conversation with him.

"Hey jin?"

He hummed while leaning over the trolley, his eyes scanning the shelves of canned food.

"Why did you not want to show your human sides to me when I first brought you home?"

Random question, I know but I just wanted to hear it from him. He straighten himself to turn around and face me, since I was standing a little behind him.

"That's out of the blue isn't it?" Jin

I shrugged and now stood myself next to him while he looked down at me.

"I just want to make more conversation."

He sighed and relaxed his shoulders a little, that were tense before and his tail started to ease by lowering down his leg.

"We didn't trust anyone in that centre and we don't trust so easily so when you adopted us we didn't know what to expect from you. So we didn't want to reveal ourselves yet but Taehyung was obviously comfortable enough to even want to show you his human side." Jin

"Then we did you not tell the others of our plan when you found out then?"

He shrugs and walked a little more down the aisle.

"Taehyung has a good judge of character so if he felt we could trust you enough then I feel like I could trust you too." Jin

He smiled back at me and I returned the smile.

"You can trust me Jin. I've heard of these bad owners before, abusing hybrids but I didn't adopt you for owning you, it was more to make friendships. That's all I wanted."

He chuckled and ruffled my hair to which I pouted and fixed my hair before anyone else sees the mess he made of my hair.

"I know that already. You're so cute sometimes, you know." Jin

I blushed a little and looked away to tuck another piece of hair behind my ear.

"But Namjoon doesn't like me. I can see it. Why doesn't he like me? I just want to be his friend."

Jin stopped and shook his head, looking down before sighing once more to look into my eyes.

"Namjoon is a little more difficult but that's because it's past history. He's had a hard time when he was young and that resulted in his trust in humans." Jin

"Well what about Jungkook then? He never comes near me as much as the others, does he not like me either?"

Jin laughs lightly and shakes his head.

"No it's not that. Jungkook is just a shy little boy. He'll be fine later on I swear. He can't say no to a movie night and snacks." Jin

I was happy enough with that answer and twirled around to look at the shelf behind me to then pick up some chicken noodle soup. My favourite flavoured soup.

"Y/n can I ask you a question now?" Jin

I turned back to him with a smile and dropped the can in the trolley.

"Of course, it's only fair."

"Why do you go see a therapist a few times a week?" Jin

My smile immediately dropped. How did he find out about that?

"I don't know what your talking about. I don't go see a therapist."

I nibbled on my bottom lip and put my hands in my jacket pocket.

"Y/n I may of known you for a little over a month now but I can tell when you're lying. I know you do, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Jin

I sighed sadly to look down at the floor.

"Jin can we not talk about that here please? Somewhere else but not here."

He swung his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"Okay I'll make a deal with you. I'll tell you more about us IF you can tell me why you go there in the first place and if makes you feel better we can do this when you're ready and I can be in cat form. I've found that some people find it easier to talk to animals." Jin

He chuckled with the last bit. Its sounded like a good deal and I did want to know more about them, like the life they had before I found them in the centre.

"Okay, deal."

I held out my hand and he laughed while taking my hand in his and we shook on it.

"Deal it is then."

We laughed a little more and walked into the next aisle together but then the intercom from the shops manager went off.

"Could the owner of two cat hybrids under the name Taehyung and Jimin please come to check out number three please. Thank you." Manager


Jin groaned out of frustration.

"What have they done now?" Jin

I couldn't help but hold in my laugh, I guess it shouldn't be funny but with what they're like at home, I guess anything is possible.

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