Chapter 13 😺

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After I told the story of what had happened to me three years ago they were all silent.

Well that was to be expected when I asked for them all to be in their cat forms but Jimin couldn't since he was in his rut still but after this morning and the pills he had been taking seems to help him a lot.

Thankfully he was quiet and didn't actually look at me through the whole story telling time so he made it easier to talk but through it I couldn't help but look at him. It made me feel a little more sane talking about it with a person in the room and not having to talk to a room full of cats even though I know they can understand me very well.

They all kept their distance from me, lying on either the floor, or the sofa. However Jin was lying on the coffee table right in front of me but he couldn't look at me, his gaze was on the floor the whole time. A few times though Taehyung would look at me from the sofa just across from me but if I was to look at him he would look away and refuse to look back until I've at least looked away, or so he thinks.

Jimin blinks a few times, staring down at the floor with Hoseok lying right next to him on the edge of the three seater sofa. He doesn't move, almpst like a statue, the only movement he made was to tense his jaw and quite possibly grit his teeth together. He was ver quiet and the silence in the room was killing me at this point.

"Jimin, are you okay?"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"I should be asking you that." Jimin

"There's no need for that. I'm okay now."

He scoffs but it didn't come across as harsh.

"NO you're not. I don't expect you to ever be okay with what happened to you. You don't deserve that and if you were so okay now, why would you be going to therapy?" Jimin

He was angry and I didn't understand why. It confused me, did he think it was my fault?

To answer his question I actually couldn't answer it all. I had no idea what to say to him.

"I don't know how to answer that Jimin."

I lowered my gaze to the floor, only for Taehyung to come running to my feet, and rub his head on the side of my leg, looking up at me with his massive green cat eyes. He was so cute.

Jimiin sighed and I heard him stand up and come closer until he sat back down next to me with a arm around my shoulder to pull into his side. His action was comforting and I felt like it was something I needed after talking about something traumatic that happened in my life.

"I'm sorry. I'm not angry at you. I'm just angry at the guy that did that to you. Maybe the other guys didn't know what he was doing?" Jimin

His tone was dark and dangerous, something I haven't heard from Jimin before he usually speaks really cheery and upbeat as well as soft and polite but this time it was more like he spat the words out. Taehyung came to jump on my legs as I leaned back with Jimin. I didn't agree with his question. The other men were there, they would of had to of known what the other guy was doing and not to mention the others killed my parents. I don't know how many of them there were but I defiantly didn't stick around to find out.

"I don't think that's the case Jimin."

He sighs again and leans his head on the top of mine.

"You just never know Y/n." Jimin

I didn't want to talk about the what ifs. There was a cat hiss from the side of the room, followed by another. Jin was startled still sitting at on the coffee table while Hoseok also jumped onto the table to sit next to Jin, looking down towards the sound of the hiss.

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