Chapter 70😺

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(Before roses phone call)

It's pretty amazing to me how well all the children are getting on with their dads. I mean for the last half hour I've just been sitting on the steps in front of the house with Lisa also watching quietly at everything that's been going on.

Hana was inside baking the kids favourite cookies and usually the kids would be in that kitchen trying to either get a taste of the cookie batter or constant bother Hana for the cookies to bake faster. But not this time, the children are too busy with their dads to even notice.

A lot was going on by the grass in front of the living room window. Namjoon was sitting on the grass with Soobin sitting on his lap reading him a book while just next to them was Jimin and Aera laying on their stomachs colouring in a book with colourful pencils. Hoseok and Felix were just talking and laughing by the looks of things. I did see Felix showing Hoseok, Hana's garden flowers but now it seems they were talking about them and even Felix picking a small daisy from the ground to suggest making daisy chains. Usually he would ask me but now he's got his dad to help him and Hoseok seemed more than willing to help him.

Over by the sandpit was Yoongi with Eunjoo. I should of known really since Eunjoo loves the sand pit. She always says it's her space of thinking but for a two year old I could only imagine what she has to think about. Both of them were sitting side by side filling up one small bucket with sand.

Now the chaos was happening further up the garden close by the cars. Jin and Sera were working together to catch either Taehyung and Hyun or Jungkook and Korain. The six of them paired up to play hide and seek but also mixed with tag so once you're found you have to run or that's it. Jin had Sera on his shoulders to keep look out from above and Sera was taking this very seriously. Her serous expression with her frown was adorable that even Lisa let out a little giggle seeing her face.

Jin was walking in between the two mini vans since Rose took the car this morning like she always does for work. I think people would ask questions to why she would show up to work in a mini van when everyone at her work knows that she is single and has no children.

"There!! Daddy!!" Sera

It still seemed strange to hear my children refer to them as dad or daddy but it still warmed my heart to hear it. Jin spun around just in time to see Jungkook running across the garden with Korain in his arms but Korain couldn't hold in his laughter and Jungkook was no better. The two laughing and Jin grinned to see the two.

"Let's get them." Jin

Jin took off quickly but carefully since he did have a child on his shoulders and chased after Jungkook and Korain which made me wonder where Taehyung and Hyun were. I stood up and looked around trying to see where they were but Lisa tugged on my hand and then she pointed towards the trees opposite us and there you could just see the two crouched down and peaking their heads out the bushes together looking around. Hyun was laughing and Taehyung bit his lip to stop himself but held a finger up to his lips to tell his son shush which made Hyun smile and nod.

Then suddenly Jungkook ran past Lisa and I on the steps quickly followed by Jin who was determined to get him as he tried to reach out for him but Jungkook tightly held Korain in his arms and just so happened to have jumped into the sand pit crushing Eunjoo and yoongis sand castle.

"HEY!" Yoongi

Jungkook quickly leaped off and took off running mumbling a quick sorry and off he was again. Lucky for him Eunjoo doesn't get that upset about much so she obviously pouted and then started to build the castle again after Jin ran past them.

"I'll get him later." Yoongi

I heard Yoongi say more to himself than anything so I chuckled and sat back down but as I did my phone in my pocket began to ring so I took it out to see Roses name on my screen. I frowned slightly and showed Lisa and she showed the same expression as me. Rose never calls us from work unless something had happened which is nearly never.

I grew worried and answered the call but before I could even say anything so spoke over me in a hurry and fear in her tone.

"Take all the children and take them to the basement." Rose

Why would she say that?

"Huh? What? Why?"

"Just do it Y/n. They're coming." Rose

Namjoon came over with Soobin in his arm after hearing myself talk to someone on the phone but judging by his question he already knew who it was.

"Is that Rose? Is something wrong?" Namjoon

I just nodded and then focused on the call with Rose.

"Rose whats going on? Who's coming?"

She was making me so scared that I didn't know what to do.

"A team was sent out thirty five minutes ago to your location. They could be there any minute. All of you need to go to the basement. Now!" Rose

I froze but Lisa must of heard what Rose said and jumped up from the steps and Namjoon also must of heard since he passed Soobin over to Lisa to take and began shouting and giving orders by what it sounds like.


Jin ran over and gently placed Sera down which caught my attention and made me snap out my thoughts to take her as Jin took the phone from me and began to speak on the phone to her when he turned his back to me.

"Rose how long ago did they deploy?" Jin

How did he know from across the garden what Rose was saying on the phone. However I didn't have the option to ask since Hoseok with Felix in his arms rushed over to me and made me stand up as I held Sera close to my chest.

He guided me to the front door and inside with everyone else bringing the kids in. The first was Jungkook with Korain but he made a quick stop to Hana in the kitchen first as a matter of urgency while I followed Lisa who had Soobin but she was following Yoongi who was carrying an unbothered Eunjoo in his arms but her face may have been unbothered but her little tail swaying hair frayed told me she was stressed about the situation. All the children were and the boys were ten times worse.

Yoongi ripped open the door to the basement that was under the stairs across from the kitchen that Jungkook just entered and he quickly ran down the stairs so we could all follow. Rose built the basement in case of emergencies as well for the boys so I guess it came to use.

There was a small narrow corridor that had eight small rooms all together but the largest was at the bottom and all of us in single file rushed to the back to the very last room squeezing in myself and kids as well as Lisa and Hana. There was no words exchanged between us and the five of them just left as if they were robots or something. It was like something switched inside them that once they knew the kids and myself as well as Lisa an Hana were safe they completely changed and walked out like nothing happened.

We stayed in that room while the kids asked questions to why we had to come here but before I could even answer, Jin showed up again and gave myself the important documents that we need to take down the company and legal papers to show that company belongs to me.

I wanted to ask him what was going on but the look on his face told me not to bother just yet and he did just ignore Hana when she asked what was going on. Just like the others it was like he was a different person. All tense, serious yet blank expression and dark eyes that showed no emotion. His tail and cat ears were very stiff which only told me that he's pissed.

After he left we could only wait for what happened next and I couldn't help but wonder if Rose was okay or what was going on outside. I could only stay here with my children and two friends just wondering what's going on while I hold these documents my hand as well as one of my children in the other.

Let's only hope for a good outcome.

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