Chapter 58😺

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Tomorrow I go back to the house in the city that still shares so many memories. I haven't told the children yet and I know they wont like it because they cant come with me. Its too dangerous in my opinion and despite Rose saying the children wouldn't be harmed I wouldn't take any chances and so they stay here. It's going to be the first time I've been away from them over night, I haven't had one night away from them since they were born. I couldn't stand to have them away from me but in this case only for a few days it needs to be done.

I haven't told them yet but I will at some point today. I just want to watch them enjoy themselves in the front garden with the paddling pool that Korain begged me to take out. He loves swimming and so does Hyun and Aera but she didn't want to swim just yet. Instead she was over by the grass sitting down playing with daisy flowers that have grown from the grass and picked at them, putting them in to a sand bucket.

Aera has help from Felix as he too sat beside her picking up flowers as I sit on the steps on the house with Soobin sitting next to me watching his little siblings as if he were on guard. I looked down at him sitting cutely, his elbows on his knees and his hands cupping his face.

"Soobin, go play with you brothers and sisters."

I nudged him lightly and he shook his head at me and looks up at me with a little smile.

"No mama. I watch." Soobin

I chuckled at him and went back to watching my other children. Felix and Aera still picking flowers, Eunjoo was over by the sand pit by herself, just piling sand together in one big pile but the smile on her face you could tell she was happy with just doing that.

There was a girl high pitched squeal and I immediately looked over to the pool to see Korain and Hyun splashing water while laughing but an angry Sera glaring at them in her frilly pink swim suit with poke a dots. She said the frilly skirt part makes her look like a ballerina which is what she wants to be this week.


The boys didn't look like they wanted to stop and kept splashing their little sister in the cold water. I did put warm water in there for them but I guess it must of gotten cold for them but it didn't seem to bother the boys in their little swimming trunks. Korain wearing black while Hyun wore green.

"Okay boys quit it please. Your sister is cold."

I told them and the stopped splashing but that didn't stop Hyun from giving one last splash towards Sera who squeals again but eventually sits down in the water that was only up to their hips if they sit down but my guess is that there would be less by now.

"Mama!! Look!" Felix

Now turning to the right at the sound of his voice did he and his sister Aera, skip over to me both carrying the same bucket they had been using for the flowers and held it out for me to take. Aera was shyly giggling when I took the bucket from her, peering inside to see just a bunch of daisies inside.

"Are these for me?"

I asked the both of them and they both nodded eagerly and Felix was bouncing with excitement and his wide smile on his face and hands behind his back.

"Yes mama. You like em?" Aera

"Yes I do sweetie, thank you."

I pulled both children into my embrace but only did they run away again laughing when I let them go. Going to tomorrow is going to be so hard.

"Mama I go play with Eunjoo." Soobin

I nodded at him and watched him run off towards Eunjoo still playing in the sand pit. I continued to watch my children play in the garden together. Aera and Felix were now play fighting on the grass, Aera rolling Felix around on the grass like a ball both laughing at each other. In the paddling pool Sera was now sitting between her brothers who copying her actions when she pretends like shes having a bath by washing her arms and trying to pick up what water she can with her hands but gets confused when the water falls through her fingers. The frustration on her face is real but cute. However Hyun and Korain just go along with it.

I look over to the sandpit but I was stunned to see that both Soobin and Eunjoo weren't there. They were just there a minute ago. I panicked and stood up searching for them but I ran around the car and I was scared even more to see both Soobin and Eunjoo, hand in hand staring off at something beyond the trees. They just stood there staring at something like statues and their ears twitching to every sound that they could hear along with their tails calmly swaying side to side together.


I don't usually shout at them but they scared me. I ran up to them and quickly picked both of them up, one child in each arm and back to the steps of the house. Lisa comes running out all panicked too, messy hair and still in her pjs looking as if she had just woken up. Rose was currently at work and Hana was out grocery shopping which Lisa was suppose to go with her but had a late night with her boyfriend.

"What is it? What happened?!" Lisa

I looked up at her from the bottom step as she looks down at me and relaxes when she sees I have the two children safely in my arms.

"Oh." Lisa

"They're fine Lisa, they just ran off to the trees."

I sighed and squatted down to their level and placed the children to stand directly in front of me.

"You two are in trouble with mama, good luck children." Lisa

She laughs and head back inside while I just scowl at her from over my shoulder and shook my head.

"Now you two know the rules. No going to the trees with out an adult so please don't do that again, okay? Stay where mommy can see you. You both understand?"

I looked between the two children who looked down to their feet and their ears on the to of their head flattened. The nodded as they understood but Soobin looked like he was going to cry because he hates getting in trouble so I pulled both kids into a warm hug.

"Sorry mama. There wa-" Soobin

He stopped when his brother, Hyun jumped on his back soaking wet laughing.


He shouted and that's when all children came running over, to join in the hug between all of us. It ended up in a group pile on top of me on the ground. All the children were laughing and even Eunjoo who was smiling at the group hug between us. This is moments I cherish with my children.

Our hug ended when my phone in my back pocket started to ring to after yhe kids moved off me I stood back up to grab some towels for the kids that were on the steps all the while taking out my phone and answering the call.

I signalled for Sera to come over for her towel which was also pink with princess crowns on it.


I said in the phone, pressing my phone to my ear with the support of my shoulder.

"Y/n!! Are you at home? You didn't go anywhere with the children like I said?" Rose

I frowned at her words and panicked state while helping Sera wrap her towel around her and to run off so I picked up Korains iron man towel and held it out for him.

"Yes we're at home but we're in the garden. Why whats wrong?"

Korain twirled in his towel in giggles and runs off hugging his ironman towel while Hyun comes over for his blue stripy towel.

"Y/n take the kids and go inside to the basement. You, Lisa and the kids need to go there. Right now!" Rose

I paused and stood up straight spinning in my spot to look around the outside garden.

"Rose. What's going on?"

I heard her groan loudly and someone sort of noise in the back ground that told me she was driving somewhere or at least in her car. But what she says next has me freeze for just a second, draining all colour from my face and then grabbing the first three children I could reach to run into the house calling on all the children to follow quickly.

"Y/n they've been released now get inside the house." Rose

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