Chapter 10: My Tutor is the Leading Scorer for a Professional Ice Hockey Team.

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Alright, this is a little blurb form August, and then a long segment from Steph

MUSIC: Higher - Social House




"So?" Gabby is giving me a look when I show up at her house. She's got dinner set out.

"Thanks for dinner," I say. "I'm so sorry I'm late, I got, caught up."

"Would it be that boy?" Gabby is too interested. "You have a massive smile on your face, it's a telltale sign of a crush."

"Yeah, it would be that boy." I can't help but laugh lightly, him and his crooked little grin are still in my head.

"So, any more information?"

"Yeah, his name is Stephan Ghallagher, he's a civil engineer that works on dams and drainage, he really likes vegetable tempura, plays hockey and really cares about his sister, his parents are divorced and he's nine years older than Jilly, making him twenty-three." I make a mental list.

"Woah, you really went all out," Gabby says. "So, twenty-three, a nerd, a jock, a dork, and a foodie, this sounds like a man sent from God himself."

"Uh-huh." I dig into the food. "He's like, literally it."

"The clown?"

"No, the one."

"Ohhhhhh, okay, be careful with that because I might just have to steal him." I stop chewing and stare directly at her.

"Don't you dare."

"Awh, Aug, you gotta know I would never." She leans forward. "So can I try to find any accounts, or,"

"Go for it," I say. She slaps her phone onto the table and starts typing.

"Of course the first guy I see when I type in Stephan is Stephan Sagamore, that hockey knucklehead."

"Ew," I mumble over food. "All those guys are the same, player of sports and player of girls."

"Pre-cicely." She laughs. "No, there are no accounts for a Stephan Gallagher."



"Weird," I say. "Try the other ones."

She comes up blank for stalking him.

"So, nothing. No social media, nothing on the internet. He's a blank slate. I can't even find a picture of him."

"Weird," I sigh. "I don't want to ask him about that though because that's openly admitting to me stalking him."

"Yeah, and that's a no go."

"Wonder if he's going to stalk me?" I mumble.

"August, look at you, duh he's going to stalk you."


"Here," Jilly slides her phone over to me at dinner. I've been perfecting my three standard meals, spaghetti, noodles, spaghetti again, steak. Spaghetti. Tonight we're eating, right, you guessed it, spaghetti.

"What?" I look down.

"That's her." My heart crashes into my ribs.

"Jills don't tell me you're stalking her for me now." I pull out my own phone.

"No, don't," She slaps it out of my hand. "God forbid you accidentally like one of her posts with that account. She'll lose her mind, you'll lose your cover, and she'll suck up to you for that seven and a half million dollars."

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