Chapter 40: Breathe

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*clears throat* Mature Content Warning 

(((mom I know you follow me on here, please for the love of god don't read this? I know i'm underage, shhh. also dad doesn't need to know. love you <3))))

There's a lotta time jumping in this, also, welcome to the first i love you. 




"I'm here," Steph pushes open the door to my apartment.

"Hey," I hop up off the couch and kiss him. "How was second dinner?"

"Ass? Am I allowed to say shit?"


"Mom bothered Jilly and I about everything, and then we went to the third house."

"The who?"

"My Dad's rich and when they were still together, we summered at the house up near Camden, right on the ocean, which is weird, but." He shakes his head.

It's mostly the middle of the night now, but that's okay. "You smell like airport."

"Yeah, I know."

"I'm going to make you shower, and then we've got all week together."

"And around my game Friday, but yes."

"Can I come watch?"

"Uh," he takes a deep breath. "Am I allowed to say no?"

"Why not?"

"Well, first off, I kinda suck?"

"I'm sure you don't."

"Second, I play really badly when people are watching and we could? Make it to the final? For this half season? Maybe?"

"So," I laugh. "You get crowd nervous."

"Sure," he turns pink around the ears.


"I feel kind of bad leaving Jilly for a week in Maine, but."

"She'll be fine, she knows how to put up with them, you kind of don't."

"Really don't."

"She'll be okay, but," I walk across the house and poke him in the stomach. "we're about to have a great week."

"I'm feeling this six day sleepover, you?"

"Hell yeah." I grab him around the ears and kiss him. He kisses me back for a moment, then lets go.

"I'm going to shower, I'll be right back." So, he disappears into my bathroom, and I text Gabby.

AUG: let the sleepover begin

GABBY: I don't sense any sleep in your future.

AUG: hell yes

"Steph!" I knock on the bathroom door. "There's a blue bottle in there, I don't remember what it's called, but it's bad shampoo and if you use it, your hair is going to get really poofy for no reason."

"Want to come in and show me which one it is?" there's a little bit of a joking twinge on his voice.

"Steph," I laugh. "Maybe next time."

"Yeah, it is the middle of the night anyway," He just laughs and I hear the water turn on. "I'll be out in five, I don't want to run your water bill through the roof."

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