Chapter 12: Square Wheel

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this is not getting the reads that Post Olympic did and I'm kinda sad about it. 

MUSIC: Nobody Knows (ft. Jackson Guthy) - Jez Dior




"What the hell are you dressing like that for?" Rocket is standing in front of me in the locker room as I button the dress shirt I'm putting on.

"Cute ballet girl thinks I work nine to five and I'd like to keep it that way." I finish the last button and sling my bag of gross clothes over my shoulder. My hair is mostly dry after showering, and I toss it a bit. "Do I look like a run-of-the-mill guy?"

"You look like a fool." Rocket laughs. I stick out my tongue at him and we walk out of the locker room.

"What's Saggy dressed up for?" Nico yells at us as we walk through. Three paid-but-not-rostered guys sit at a table in the corner.

"He's a wheel." Rocket laughs. I take a small bow. (wheel - a player that's skilled at skating as well as picking up girls)

"Yeah, a square one." Nico chuckles. "Who is it?"

"Ballet girl," I say. "Jilly's teacher."

"What's she like?" Nico hops off the table to walk over to us.

"She's really attractive, but doesn't know who I am, which is good."

"Clout," Nico nods. "You told us about her,"

"Yeah, her," I smile down at my toes.

"So, what about her has got you all tied up?" Nico is joined by Fen on their way out of the building.

"A lot of things?" I respond.

"This your girl?" Fenrir asks. I shake my head. Rocket nods.

"Not mine, not even close. I can't form a complete sentence to her." They laugh at me.

"Rocket, how about you, you got anyone?" Fen leans out to pester my best friend.

"Nope, not yet." He raises his eyebrows. "Yet."

"Do you have a picture of her?" Rocket elbows me. Fen and Nico lean over to give me a look. I pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Yeah, yeah I do." I sift through my camera roll until I find the one that Jilly screenshotted for me. "This is her." I hand it to Rocket and he whistles under his breath. Rocket passes it to Nico, who slaps me on the back for it. Fen raises his eyebrows and laughs before giving me my phone back.

"I see why she's turned you a fool," Nico laughs. Fen pushes open the door for her and Rocket leans over to get the door for me.

"Darling," He puts his hand on my lower back and pushes me through first.

"Rocket what the hell." I laugh.

"Figured we could go on a double date with the hooligans over here." He points across me to Fen and Nico.

"Hell no." Nico chuckles. "No, big no."

"See you guys tomorrow," I break off and head right to my car.

As I pull out of the lot, I see Fen and Nico. Fen has her against the car, her arms draped lazily over his shoulders. They're kissing and laughing and it's making me a little jealous.

"I know, I know, I'm late," Steph. The highlight of my day. Collared shirt and slacks. For once, he looks like he's coming from the office. I turn beet red and look down at the desk, tapping papers to keep me busy. Holy hell. His sleeves are rolled up past his elbows, his forearms are tan and incredibly well-muscled for a normal guy. When he turns around, I ogle at his back and legs. All my pent-up need to see him again spills out.

God, how the hell does he have time to go to the gym to look like that, and raise Jilly, and work a job. He's built, like pro-athlete built. It's definitely functioning muscle, why would a guy put that much effort into his legs if it was for show.

"It's movie night, you got anything?" Jilly leans over on the bench and starts packing her stuff, putting on her sneakers again.

"I don't know, I've got Netflix though." He laughs and grabs her bag off the floor. "August, hey, do you have any movies you suggest?"

"Me?" I squeak a bit. "Yeah, uh, have you ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?" It's the only thing that comes to mind.

"I have, Jills?" He turns to his sister.

"What's that?"

"Oh, okay, we have to watch it now," He laughs a bit. "Seriously? Mom never showed you that movie?"

"I think you watched it with the Langs." Jilly chuckles.

"Oh right, I must've. Cale would not stop reenacting the flesh wound scene afterward."

"How old is Cale now?" Jilly asks.

"He would be, oh, seventeen? Man, that feels old, that makes me feel old." Steph shakes his head a bit.

"See you Monday," Jilly calls after me on their way out.

"Thank you!" Steph pulls open the door. I watch them leave. I bet the Langs are his friends, Cale might be a younger brother. 

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