Chapter 37: Not Ready Yet

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more information about Steph, coming right up. This time it's served with a side of Morgan Lee and topped with a hangover

I also might double update, ya know, keep you guys on your toes



He wakes up slowly. I take my hand off his chest and start to slowly stroke his hair again. He blinks a couple of times, then opens his eyes, just looking out at the room.

He takes a minute, staring. Then he moves his fingers and sits up slowly, groaning.

He kneels, but stops, setting his head back down in hands. "Fuck, that hurts."

"Shh, hey, take it easy." I rub his back.

"August?" He looks up at me, re-registering my face. Scanning me up and down. "Oh, Aug-"

"Morning, sleepy."

"I'm sorry," He creaks to a standing position and I stand up with him, he blinks a couple of times, then rubs his hands over his face, letting out one drawn-out curse. "I shouldn't have come here after all that." He takes a deep breath. "I just didn't know where else to go. I couldn't go home. I couldn't go back to Rocket's, I-"

I give him a small smile. "You're okay, it's okay that you came here."

Steph's eyes scan me. Then they catch on mine, his hand brushes my cheek. "You look like you didn't sleep, I'm so sorry."

"That's okay, it's okay."

"No, it's not," he looks around the room. "I'm still a wreck, you shouldn't lose sleep over me."

"Look, Steph," His hair is sticking up from my hands. "I care about you, okay."

He sighs and wraps his arms around me. "Thank you for dealing with me all the time, I'm sorry."

I breathe into his chest. "I've probably got some old sweatshirts of yours hanging around somewhere."


"Here, come," I walk him into my room and hand him one of his old hoodies and a pair of shorts I might have stolen as well.

He lets out a small smile. "Is my whole closet in here?"

"Maybe," I kiss his cheek. "Get out of that, I get you some water."

"I really really like you." He catches me by the small of my back and presses his lips to my forehead.

"I know you do, now get comfortable." I wave at all of him and then close the door behind me. I need to make us lunch. I'm rather astonished that he didn't wake up because of the grumbling in my stomach.

First things first, I set a glass of water on the table so he can have it when he's done changing. Then the easiest and fastest thing I can think of is grilled cheese, which I've been wanting for maybe a day and a half now.

So I start making grilled cheese because no way would I let Steph cook anything in the first place, much less hungover.

"August, I'm sorry I-" I slap a grilled cheese in front of him.

"Don't even start about that." I lean over the skillet to make a second. "I don't want to hear about it."


"Nope!" I laugh. "No more apologizing. You did exactly the right thing by coming to me, not to Rocket's or back home."

"I, I just, I feel bad because I kept you up-"

"I swear to god Ghallagher," he flinches and I quirk my eyebrows at him. "I would've been pissed off if you hadn't come here. Also, Rocket came over this morning."

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