Chapter 17: Stars

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Okay, so there's a crap ton of time jumping in this. the previous chapter was early-mid September, and the date is going to be October third, the first day of the regular season for Steph, (moreover for the league, his first game is the next day)

This first clip is from late September, and the second, well...

Music: I See You - MISSIO (i love this band, they normally write more rock-ish stuff, but this song is just so soulful and gentle, it's stylistically rock but lyrically and tempo-wise, it's slower and sweeter. Some of there songs that are also absolute jams are Twisted, Sing to Me, and Dizzy) 

NOTE: all of the playlists for Post Olympic and Plie and Clout are on Spotify. Their titles are 'Plie and Clout Wattpad Songs' and 'Post Olympic Wattpad songs.' On my account you can also find playlists for other (unfinished) books in this soon to be series. Sasquatch to the Moon (Yeti), Olympic Jerk (Finnican), Nothing Better to Do (Paxton), and Nosebleed (Jorgen).   

alright, alright, that's enough from me. 




He's on the way-late side of things today. Jilly seems less than pleased to see him. "Don't tell me you're making me study with Fen again."

"Not today, he's on a date with Nico tonight, plus, it's Friday, Friday's are not for school."

"Awesome." She yawns and stands up. I try to catch his eye, but he's the one that grins at me. He waits for Jilly to hop outside to the car to say hi.

"I don't have a lot of time," I look at Jilly, normally we spend an extra ten minutes in here catching up every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. "But, I've got something for you."


I hand him the sheet of paper, at this point it's next week. He disappeared for a week and a half in the middle of this span of time, he said he was on business work, and then closed right up about it. He inspects it for a minute, then looks at me, then back at it.

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Ah," I turn pink and want to disappear. "Yeah."

"Awesome, because I doubt I could've built up the courage to ask you out." He grins. "So we're going to see some stars?"

"Yeah, if you're okay with that?"

"Are you kidding? I love the stars. Even if we are in a city and they are going to be some LEDs."


***(take a breather between these two)***


"You know, when I was a kid, I mean, a little kid," I look down at August as she stares up at the lights. The up-close constellations. I take a deep breath and hook my pinky finger with hers. "I wanted nothing more than to be an astronomer." My hat is low and I've got my hood bunched up badly because if August managed to pick me out of a crowd, anyone can. Thank God it's dark.

"Really?" She looks over at me, the constellations reflecting off her eyes.

"Yeah, all my friends wanted to be astronauts, but I'll tell you something, I'm a bit of a wuss, and going up and out there was too dangerous in my opinion, but I wanted to be close to the stars, you know?"

"Yeah," She grabs my whole hand and my heart leaps in my chest. "Do you remember anything?"

"From back then? Yeah, tons." I snort. "The dream continued all the way through high school, and if Mom didn't so desperately want me to be an engineer, I would've been out there with the stars."

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